Presents "just the facts of EMG and NCS in a compact format-perfect for on-the-go learning or review.
Features at-a-glance tables of complex information for quick and easy reference and a new, all-inclusive chart that includes electrodiagnostic findings in specific disorders.
Depicts precise needle placement through clear, computer-generated illustrations.
Includes new and updated videos, including clips on motor and sensory nerve conduction studies and H-reflex.
Reflects the latest changes to EMG billing codes to ensure accurate, up-to-date application.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
1 What is an EMG?
2 Why Perform Electrodiagnostic Studies?
3 About the Machine
4 Nerve Conduction Studies
5 Electromyography
6 Injuries to Peripheral Nerves
7 How to Plan Out the Examination
8 Pitfalls
9 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
10 Ulnar Neuropathy
11 Radial Neuropathy
12 Radiculopathy
13 Spinal Stenosis
14 Fibular (Peroneal) Neuropathy
15 Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
16 Peripheral Polyneuropathy
17 Myopathy
18 Brachial Plexopathies
19 Lumbosacral Plexopathies
20 Motor Neuron Diseases
21 Critical Illness Neuropathy and Myopathy
22 Inflammatory Neuropathies
23 Neuromuscular Junction Disorders
24 How to Write a Report
25 Tables of Normals
26 Reimbursement
Appendix 1. Figures for Table 4.3 (Nerve Conduction Studies Setup)
Appendix 2. Figures for Table 5.4 (Common Muscles - Innervation, Location, and Needle Placement)
27 Appendix 3: Summary of Electrodiagnostic Findings in Specific Clinical Conditions
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