
Contemporary TAD-Facilitated Non-Extract... Yoon-Ah Kook (국윤아) 180,000 171,000won
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2024 So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무... 김영삼 강수영 김희진 소지현 조은주 35,000 33,250won
2024 치과보험 파워정복 - 치과... 김현정 김희진 서영림 소지현 정수오 38,000 36,100won
2024 파워 치과위생사 국가시험... 스마트에듀K아카데미 100,000 90,000won
화제의 신간
  • 2024 파워 치과위생사 국가시험... 스마트에듀K아카데미 52,000 49,400won
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457의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2/e


    Michael Miloro

    350,000 333,000won

    Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2nd Edition, presents clear and consistent guidance on all aspects of both common and less common, minor and major complications encountered in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) practice. In-depth chapters provide thorough descriptions of each complication and recommend treatment strategies for associated complications of anesthesia, implant surgery, maxillofacial trauma, and more, using easy to read algorithms.

  • The ADA Practical Guide to Dental Implants

    Luigi O. Massa

    120,000 114,000won

    This clinically oriented book gives dental practitioners and students a hands-on guide to incorporating dental implants into their practices. Taking a clear and concise approach to the subject, the book offers basic information on all aspects of dental implants. Topics covered encompass the pros and cons of implants, patient factors, clinical considerations to success and failure, and implant restoration. Photographs, radiographs, and illustrations support the text, demonstrating the concepts discussed. The ADA Practical Guide to Dental Implants starts with a brief history of the subject then examines the clinical and economic considerations for implants. Patient factors, including systemic, oral, and periodontal health, diet, age, gender, and more are discussed. The book also looks at the experience of the clinician, followed by clinical considerations such as case planning, implant design, surgical techniques, antibiotics, and more. The last chapters cover post-surgical follow-up and the many factors that lead to a successful outcome.

  • Practical Procedures in Implant Dentistry

    Christopher C. K. Ho

    144,000 136,000won

    Master the fundamentals and intricacies of implant dentistry with this comprehensive and practical new resource Practical Procedures in Implant Dentistry delivers a comprehensive collection of information demonstrating the science and clinical techniques in implant dentistry. Written in a practical and accessible style that outlines the principles and procedures of each technique, the book offers clinical tips and references to build a comprehensive foundation of knowledge in implantology. Written by an international team of contributors with extensive clinical and academic expertise, Practical Procedures in Implant Dentistry covers core topics such as:

  • Clinical Cases in Gerodontology

    Gerry McKenna

    96,000 91,000won

    Clinical Cases in Gerodontology provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant dental issues that arise when dealing with an aging population. Clinical Cases in Gerodontology applies the theory and practice to real-life cases in a clinically relevant format. To aid learning, each of the clinical cases presented has a defined learning objective and goal. In addition, the authors discuss in detail the clinical decision-making factors and the text is enhanced with photographs that demonstrate the progressive stages of treatment. This important text:

  • A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry

    Gordon B. Gray

    162,000 153,000won

    A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry delivers a thorough exploration of the theoretical and practical aspects of operative dentistry, followed by an illustrated step-by-step guide of common clinical procedures. Designed to remind students of the key steps of a variety of operative procedures, it is heavily illustrated with over 400 images of clinical procedures and covers core topics such as:

  • Practical Applications of Coaching and Mentoring in Dentistry

    Janine Brooks

    66,000 62,000won

    Provides an understanding of the theory of coaching and mentoring with practical applications within the field of dentistry Practical Applications of Coaching and Mentoring in Dentistry offers a comprehensive overview of the theory of coaching and mentoring as it applies to the field of dentistry. The book includes practical case studies that demonstrate how dental professionals have implemented coaching and mentoring into their daily practice. Grouped into themes such as remediation, foundation training, outreach training, and specialist practice, it also explains the coaching and mentoring techniques chosen and applied. Core topics include:

  • Physical Evaluation and Treatment Planning in Dental Practice, 2/e

    Michaell A. Huber

    121,000 114,000won

    The revised Second Edition of Physical Evaluation and Treatment Planning in Dental Practice has been expanded to include information pertinent when considering comprehensive treatment planning for a wide variety of dental procedures. Written by internationally recognized specialists and discipline experts in their field, the Second Edition offers new chapters on dental and oral diseases and disorders, including insights and diagnostics for each category. Readers will learn about diagnosis and planning considerations for orofacial pain, caries, periodontics, oral surgery, endodontics, restorative, prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry, and more.

  • Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion

    Ziad Al-Ani

    126,000 119,000won

    Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion delivers a solid and reliable exploration of dental occlusion. The book offers practical and accessible information about evidence-based techniques applicable to everyday clinical situations encountered in general practice. The authors provide a straightforward guide to the optimisation of restorative treatment outcomes, including occlusion in simple and advanced restorative care. The inclusion of questions at the end of the book, a glossary of useful terms and phrases in occlusion encourages self-assessment.

  • Ergonomics in the Dental Office


    Susan S. Parker

    70,000 67,000won

    A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry delivers a comprehensive and robust overview of special care dentistry reflecting the most common compromised clinical conditions dentists will regularly encounter. It discusses more than 50 topics based on real-world clinical cases focusing on two main areas: patients with disabilities and medically compromised patients. The book uses a problem-based learning approach and helps the reader to apply knowledge in a clinical case context. Each chapter contains a case report establishing the main risk factors relating to the provision of dental treatment. That is followed by a practical and realistic set of adaptations for the reader to follow to minimise the rate and severity of potential complications for their patient. The book also includes:

  • A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry

    Pedro Diz Dios

    126,000 119,000won

    A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry delivers a comprehensive and robust overview of special care dentistry reflecting the most common compromised clinical conditions dentists will regularly encounter. It discusses more than 50 topics based on real-world clinical cases focusing on two main areas: patients with disabilities and medically compromised patients. The book uses a problem-based learning approach and helps the reader to apply knowledge in a clinical case context. Each chapter contains a case report establishing the main risk factors relating to the provision of dental treatment. That is followed by a practical and realistic set of adaptations for the reader to follow to minimise the rate and severity of potential complications for their patient. The book also includes:

  • Clinical Dentistry Daily Reference Guide

    William A. Jacobson

    231,000 220,000won

    Clinical dentistry involves the practice of preventing, diagnosing, and treating patients’ oral health conditions. Clinical Dentistry Daily Reference Guide is a one-stop resource loaded with critical information for day-to-day decision making regarding a myriad of clinical scenarios. This invaluable resource saves time by eliminating the need to search through websites, textbooks, and phone apps to find answers. This book offers step-by-step assistance on oral cancer screening, radiographic interpretation, treatment planning, preventive dentistry, periodontics, operative dentistry, endodontics, oral surgery, toothaches, crown and bridge, dentures, partials, implant crowns, occlusal guards, pediatric dentistry, nitrous sedation, and more.

  • Dental Trauma at a Glance

    Aws Alani

    67,000 63,000won

    The market‐leading at a Glance series is popular among students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise and simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite‐sized chapter is covered in a double‐page spread with clear, easy‐to‐follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision and are useful throughout university and beyond.

  • Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion, 3/e

    Alison Chapman

    67,000 63,000won

    The thoroughly revised third edition of a Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion is an essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Education and thereafter practice as an Oral Health Educator. It will help readers confidently educate patients about diseases and conditions that affect the oral cavity, and support their prevention, treatment, and management. Designed with an accessible layout to enhance learning, this course companion is divided into six sections covering: the structure and functions of the oral cavity; diseases and conditions; disease prevention; effective communication; treating specific patient groups, and oral health promotion and society. Invaluable to all members of the dental team and other health professionals involved in educating and promoting oral health, this key text:

  • Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education

    Chloe Foxhall

    48,000 43,000won

    Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education comprehensively and efficiently prepares students for the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) Certificate in Oral Health. Written by a dental tutor and course administrator, as well as a certified NEBDN examiner, this revision guide includes tips and techniques to help students with the test. It also includes examples of mock examination questions along with answers and explanations to further students’ understanding of the material contained within.

  • Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses, 4/e

    Carole Hollins

    54,000 52,000won

    The newly revised Fourth Edition of Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses delivers a comprehensive and invaluable revision guide that covers the full curriculum of the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) National Diploma in Dental Nursing. It is fully updated and incorporates recent developments in dentistry and changes to relevant legislation and regulation.

  • Dental Implants for Hygienists and Therapists


    Ulpee R. Darbar

    91,000 87,000won

    Dental Implants for Hygienists and Therapists delivers an accessible and informative exploration of the fundamental principles of tooth replacement with dental implants, as well as the science and theory that underlies modern implants, and the factors impacting their success and survival. The book offers robust guidance on the assessment of peri-implant tissues in health and in disease, an evidence-based approach to their management, and instruction on when a referral should be made. It also covers function and anatomy in health and disease around dental implants and the supporting tissues as well as the factors that influence predictability and patient management. This book includes:

  • Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist, 2/e


    Susan S. Wingrove

    140,000 133,000won

    The newly revised Second Edition of Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist provides a comprehensive guide to biofilm-focused assessment, maintenance, and home care for the prevention of long-term implant complications. The book offers clinical protocols ranging from single titanium and ceramic implant-borne restorations to the fixed full arch final prosthesis. The text also discusses pre-surgical regenerative procedures, implant placement, and patient communication to support hygienists and other dental professionals in talking to patients about implant dentistry.

  • Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics, 1e


    Joseph J. Massad David R. Cagna Charles J. Goodacre Russell A. Wicks Swati A. Ahuja

    120,000 96,000won

  • 악안면성형재건외과학 4판


    130,000 123,500won

    초판이 나온 이후 4번째 개정판인 본서는 3판에서 만들어진 뼈대를 이어받아 치과대학 학생의 교육을 위한 악안면성형재건의 기초적인 부분부터 전공의를 위한 최신 임상 술식까지 총망라하고 있으며 가장 최신의 지식과 임상술기 등을 학문 영역에 따라 체계적으로 정리 보강하여 전문성을 높였다. 또한 이해도에 초점을 맞춰 개념의 변화가 크지 않은 파트에 있어서는 좀 더 이해하기 쉽도록 서술하여 ‘이해하기 쉬운 책’이 될 수 있도록 노력하였고, 교과서 전체의 맥락에서 일관성을 가질 수 있도록 표준 치의학 용어를 차용하여 학술 용어를 통일하였으며, 직관적인 도해를 삽입하고 임상사진을 수록해 텍스트만으로는 이해하기 어려운 부분의 이해를 도왔다. 본서는 악안면성형재건외과학 분야의 방대한 내용을 집대성한 완성도 높은 지침서로서 어느 책보다도 악안면성형재건외과를 이해하고 익히는 데 도움이 될 것이며, 체계적이고 발전된 악안면성형재건외과학을 배울 수 있는 기회를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 예상한다.

  • 구강내과학 실습서


    30,000 28,500won

    대한안면통증구강내과학회의 구강내과학 제6편인 [구강내과학 실습서]가 출간되었다. 짧은 분량 속에 구강내과학의 핵심 내용만 추려 집약해 놓은 본서는 환자 면담, 병력 청취 및 기본검사부터 신경검사, 턱관절 탈구 시 정복술까지 총 7개의 챕터로 구성되어 기초적이고 전반적인 내용을 배우도록 하였다. 핵심 검사를 다루는 챕터에서는 크게 검사에 대한 개요, 검사 방법, 사용되는 기구 및 재료 목록 순으로 정리되어 있어, 체계적이면서도 흐름에 따라 익힐 수 있도록 하였다. 특히 환자 면담 시 기록해야 할 기본 정보부터 실제 사용하는 상담 문구들을 예시로 들고 있으며, 촉진 시 환자의 자세 및 촉진 위치를 보여주는 사진을 수록하여 무엇보다 진료 현장에서 실제적인 도움이 될 수 있도록 구성하였다. 구강내과학은 기초 및 임상 치의학 분야에서 가장 빠르게 발전하는 분야 중 하나이니만큼 앞으로 더욱 주목받는 학문이 될 것으로 예상되며, 전국의 구강내과학 교수님들이 뜻을 모아 집필한 본서는 구강내과학 분야에 있어서 표준화된 임상실습서로서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.