Brain Injury Medicine: Board Review
Blessen C. Eapen MD
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344 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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The only review book currently available in this complex field, Brain Injury Medicine: Board Review focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of individuals with varying severity levels of brain injury. Focused, high-yield content prepares you for success on exams and in practice, with up-to-date coverage of traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, CNS neoplasms, anoxic brain injury, and other brain disorders. This unique review tool is ideal for residents, fellows, and practitioners studying or working in the field and preparing to take the brain injury medicine exam. 

Key Features

Supports self-assessment and review with 200 board-style questions and explanations. 

Covers the information you need to know on traumatic brain injury by severity and pattern, neurologic disorders, systemic manifestations, rehabilitation problems and outcomes, and basic science. 

Includes questions on patient management including patient evaluation and diagnosis, prognosis/risk factors, and applied science. 

Discusses key topics such as neurodegeneration and dementia; proteomic, genetic, and epigenetic biomarkers in TBI; neuromodulation and neuroprosthetics; and assistive technology. 

Reviews must-know procedures including acute emergency management and critical care; post-concussion syndrome assessment, management and treatment; diagnostic procedures and electrophysiology; neuroimaging, and brain death criteria.  

Ensures efficient, effective review with content written by experts in physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, and psychiatry and a format that mirrors the board exam outline.   

Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Section 1:  Brain Anatomy and Physiology

1. Neuroanatomy Correlates

Jason R. Soble, Samantha DeDios-Stern, David Andrés González and Kenneth Chase Bailey

2. Pathophysiology and Basic Sciences

Gary Goldberg and David H. Glazer

Section 2: Traumatic Brain Injury Severity & Patterns

3. Mild TBI (Concussion), Moderate to Severe TBI

Juan Cabrera

4. TBI by Pattern: Penetrating, Non- Penetrating, Blast Injury

Rebecca Tapia and Nick Vlahos

5. Brain Death Criteria

Cherry Junn

Section 3: Epidemiology and Risk Factors

6. Epidemiology and Public Health & Prevention

Kelly Heath and Jaclyn Barcikowski

7. Proteomic, Genetic, and Epigenetic Biomarkers in TBI

Kimbra Kenney, J. Kent Werner Jr. and Jessica Gill

8. Prognosis and Recovery Patterns

Rosanna C. Sabini and Komal Patel

Section 4: Emergency Room and Intensive Care Management

9. Prehospital Care

Geoffrey Ling and Andrea Lauren Christman Schneider

10. Acute Emergency Management (Non-surgical Care & Surgical Care)

Alex valadka, Peter Horvath and Ketan Verma

11. Critical Care Management

Claudia Robertson, Yi Deng and Jovany Cruz-Navarro

12. Complications

Claudia Robertson, Jovany Cruz-Navarro and Samantha Fernandez Hernandez

Section 5: Evaluation and Diagnosis

13. Physical Examination, signs and symptoms

Brian Im and Emma Nally

14. Diagnostic Procedures and Electrophysiology

Kirk Lercher

15. Neuroimaging (structural and functional)

Saman Hazany, Jimmy C. Huang and Zaid Haddadin

16. Functional Evaluation

Daniel W. Klyce, Ronald Seel and Richard Kunz

17. Intensity of Services, Specialized Rehabilitation Therapies, Interdisciplinary Team Management

Gary Noel Galang and Justin Louis Weppner

Section 6:  Complications and Management

18. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary

James J. Begley and Victoria C. Whitehair

19. GI and Nutrition

Kelly Crawford

20. Genitourinary

Kelly Crawford

21. Soft Tissue and Orthopedic Condition

Sanjog Pangarkar and Gaurav Sunny Sharma

22. Pain

Sanjog Pangarkar and Morgan O`Connor

23. Neuroendocrine/ Metabolic/ Hormonal

Ondrea McKay and Neil Jasey

24. Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity

James J. Begley and Victoria C. Whitehair

25. Spasticity & Contractures

Katherine Lin and Blessen C. Eapen

26. Post-traumatic Hydrocephalus

Neil Jasey and Laurie Dabaghian

27. Cranial Nerve Disorders

Gary Noel Galang and Justin Louis Weppner

28. Seizure Disorder

Justin Sup Hong

29. Movement Disorder

Miriam Segal

30. Pressure Injuries, Bed Rest and Deconditioning

Fabienne Saint-Preux, Emma Nally and Heidi Fusco

31. Dysphagia and Aspiration

Benjamin Ngocquang Nguyen and Lauren E. Fulks

32. Speech and Language

Benjamin Ngocquang Nguyen and David Eng

33. Cognitive Dysfunction

Douglas Cooper

34. Neurosensory Dysfunction

Kelly Heath

35. Emotional Dyscontrol

Justin B. Otis and Hal S. Wortzel

36. Agitation and Restlessness

Lindsay Mohney and Blessen C. Eapen

37. Sleep Dysfunction and Fatigue

Billie Anna Schultz and Dmitry Esterov

38. Mood Disorders

Nazanin Bahraini, Suzanne McGarity and Hal S. Wortzel

39. PTSD

Douglas Cooper, Christopher Ticknor and Jan E. Kennedy

40. Suicide, personality d/o, anxiety

Suzanne McGarity, Nazanin Bahraini and Hal S. Wortzel

41. Substance Abuse

Alphonsa Thomas and Christine Greiss

42. Sexuality and Intimacy

Kirk Lercher and Paul Yoo

Section 7 Rehabilitation Concepts

43. Therapeutic Exercise/Rehabilitation

Joel Scholten, Kimberly Benson and Katharine Stout

44. Assistive Technology

Sheital Bavishi

45. Community Re-entry

Eric Tomas Spier

46. Involving Family in Rehabilitation: Role of Physiatry

Lillian Flores Stevens and Angelle M. Sander

Section 8: Special Topics

47. Pediatric TBI

David Cancel, Ruth E. Alejandro and Dara Jones

48. Geriatric TBI

Jaime M. Levine and Ekua B. Gilbert-Baffoe

49. Military TBI

Amy O`Brien Bowles and Meghan Jean McHenry

50. Sports Concussion

Rosanna C. Sabini

51. Gender specific Issues in TBI 

Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez and Jason Edwards

52. Post-Concussion Syndrome Assessment, Management and Rx)

Thomas Watanabe and Abana Azariah

53. Nontraumatic brain Injury

Rani Haley Lindberg

54. Dual Diagnosis -TBI and SCI

Gemayaret Alvarez and Kevin Dalal

55. Anoxic Brain Injury

Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez and Sima A. Desai

56. DOC and Rehabilitation

Sunil Kothari and Matthew Lin

57. Complementary Alternative Therapies 

Billie Anna Schultz and Dmitry Esterov

58. Neuromodulation & Neuroprosthetics

Miriam Segal

59. Neuropharmacology

Craig DiTommaso, Susan Loughlin and Christopher Falco

60. Neurodegeneration and Dementia

Stephen Mernoff, Stephen Correia and Breton Michael Asken

61. Basic Statistics/Research Methods

Mauro Zappaterra and Dixie Aragaki

62. Ethics and Law

Sunil Kothari, Bonny Su Wong and Jean E. Woo


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