Thoroughly revised with the latest evidence-based practices, Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills, 6th Edition, helps nursing students and graduate nurses confidently incorporate cognitive, technical, interpersonal, and ethical/legal skills into safe and effective patient care. This engaging resource is rich with nearly 1,000 photographs, providing step-by-step guidance through essential skills presented in context with the nursing process. Updated content throughout keeps students current with today’s evolving healthcare environment and cultivates the critical thinking and clinical judgment critical to success in practice. Usable in conjunction with any nursing fundamentals text or as a standalone resource, Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills is specifically designed to complement Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care, 10th Edition, giving students a consistent, seamless learning experience for superior understanding.
New for this Edition:
UPDATED! Focusing on Patient Care chapter-opening scenarios and Developing Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment end-of-chapter questions challenge readers to think through clinical situations, combining critical thinking and clinical reasoning to form clinical judgment that can affect patient outcomes.
UPDATED! Step-by-Step Skills, updated to reflect the latest evidence, walk students through skills in a consistent, straightforward format to ensure comprehension.
UPDATED! Evidence for Practice boxes familiarize students with the latest best-practice guidelines, research-based evidence, and support from professional literature.
UPDATED!Developing Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment provides insight into prioritization and evidence-based practice and supports students’ development of clinical reasoning and clinical judgment skills. This section includes:
Unexpected Situations highlight unexpected outcomes and explanations of how to react to provide the best care.
Special Considerations explain the varying needs of patients across the lifespan and in various settings.
UPDATED!Integrated Case Study Connection callouts refer students to related case studies in Unit III, which challenge students to think critically and confidently prioritize care.
UPDATED! Photo Atlas Approachwith nearly 1,000 high-quality photographs helps visual learners effectively learn and perform each skill.
NEW! Nursing Concepts lists in each chapter emphasize key connections at a glance
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