Selected as a Doody`s Core Title for 2022!
Lippincott® Connect Featured Title
Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
The only text covering the pathophysiology of common diseases specifically relative to Occupational Therapy practice, Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance, 6th Edition, combines the most up-to-date insights and an engaging approach to ready students for success from the classroom to clinical settings.
This updated 6th Edition is fully aligned with the most current DSM-5 and Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, 4th Edition, and adds new chapters reflecting recent advances in the management of infectious diseases, general deconditioning, musculoskeletal pain, amputations, and sickle cell anemia. Each chapter follows a consistent format, presenting an opening case followed by dex_scriptions and definitions, etiology, incidence and prevalence, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, course and prognosis, medical/surgical management, impact on occupational performance, and two case illustrations.
Rounded out with robust instructor resources and new full-color imagery, this bestselling resource is an essential tool for today’s occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant students.
Lippincott® Connect features:
Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can:
Contributors vii
Preface xi
1 Thinking Like an OT 1
2 Cerebral Palsy 11
3 Autism Spectrum Disorders 32
4 Intellectual Disability 65
5 Muscular Dystrophy 80
6 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 94
7 Sensory Processing Disorder 118
8 Sickle Cell Disease 133
9 Mood Disorders 167
10 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Psychotic Disorders 181
11 Anxiety Disorders 196
12 Neurocognitive Disorders 214
13 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 239
14 Complex Trauma 268
15 Somatic Symptoms and Related Disorders 286
16 Feeding and Eating Disorders 299
17 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 320
18 Cerebrovascular Accident 361
19 Cardiopulmonary Disorders 388
20 Acquired Brain Injury 407
21 Burn Injuries 437
22 Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorders 455
23 Arthritic Diseases 482
24 Spinal Cord Injury 515
25 Orthopedics 551
26 Musculoskeletal Pain 571
27 Amputations: Upper Limb Loss/Difference 603
28 Low Vision Disorders 634
Cancer 653
Obesity 680
Diabetes 701
General Deconditioning 726
Infectious Diseases 747
Index 771
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