Diagnosis and Treatment of Mitral Valve Disease
Scott Goldman, MD
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의학 > 외과 > 흉부외과
590 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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The only reference wholly dedicated to this complex topic, Diagnosis and Treatment of Mitral Valve Disease: A Multidisciplinary Approach provides authoritative, must-have information on the disease processes affecting the mitral valve, interpretation of diagnostic studies, and medical, transcatheter, and surgical treatments needed for mitral valve repair. Using a multidisciplinary approach, Drs. Scott Goldman and William Gray oversee a "who`s who” team of contributing authors who offer a holistic view of the modern treatment of mitral valve disease for today`s cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and other cardiac team members. 

Key Features
  • Includes foundational chapters on anatomy and pathophysiology of the mitral valve-critically important topics when treating multiple complex and highly dynamic structures that function as a single unit. 

  • Covers diagnostic tools, medical treatments, surgical therapies, and transcatheter therapies, and provides tips for developing a successful mitral valve program (with baseline thresholds, common pitfalls, and a checklist for hospitals). 

  • Uses an accessible, quick-reference format that features takeaway chapter openers, bulleted key points, end-of-chapter summaries, a common nomenclature and glossary of terms, key references, and ample line drawings, photographs, tables, charts, and graphs throughout. 

  • Incorporates the essential role of imaging in structural transcatheter interventions, including echocardiography and transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER), and their uses in diagnostic work-up, procedural planning, intra-procedural guidance, and follow-up. 

  • Features dozens of procedural videos, including transthoracic echocardiogram; cardiac MRI for mitral regurgitation; transcatheter mitral valve repair; transcatheter valvuloplasty; percutaneous mitral valve interventions; MitraClip™ positioning; and many more. 

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

SECTION 1 Foundations
1 Anatomy of the Mitral Valve
2 Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Diseasee
3 ACC/AHA Guidelines and Treatment Options for Mitral Valve Disease
SECTION 2 Diagnostic Tools
4 Physical Examination
5 Transthoracic Echocardiogram
6 Diagnostic Tools: Transesophageal Echocardiography for Mitral Valve
7 Special Imaging Considerations for Transcatheter Mitral Therapy
8 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Mitral Regurgitation
9 Computed Tomography Scan in Mitral Valve Disease and Its Treatments
10 Cardiac Catheterization
SECTION 3 Medical Treatment
11 Diuretics and Neurohormonal Medications
12 Cardiac Rhythm Management Implantable Devices
SECTION 4 Surgical Therapies
13 Medical Devices and Instruments
14 Myocardial Protection and Perfusion Techniques in Mitral Valve Surgery
15 Mitral Operation: Sternotomy Approach
16 Mitral Valve Surgery: Right Thoracotomy Approach
17 Mitral Operation: Endoscopic Approach
18 Mitral Operation: Robotic Approach
19 Surgical Repair of the Mitral Valve
20 Surgical Replacement of the Mitral Valve
21 Evaluation, Common Pitfalls, and Complications
SECTION 5 Transcatheter Therapies
22 Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair
23 Transcatheter Valvuloplasty
24 Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement
25 Percutaneous Mitral Valve Interventions: Evaluation, Pitfalls, and Complications
SECTION 6 Developing Successful Programs
26 Developing Successful Structural Heart Programs
27 Quality Improvement and Outcomes
28 Establishing a Comprehensive Mitral Valve Program: Educating Patients and Referring Physicians
29 Ten Elements for a Successful Mitral Program


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