Since its first publication in 1989, Anatomy and Human Movement has grown to become a best-selling seminal textbook, helping students to understand and remember the mechanisms which allow movement to take place.
Written specifically for physiotherapists and occupational therapists, this textbook is the ideal resource for students learning how to perform a musculoskeletal examination and for practising clinicians who need to refresh their functional anatomy.
The approach used is the same as in the previous edition, which shows the physiotherapist’s perspective during patient examinations through an intact skin: bones are presented first, followed by accurate dex_scriptions of muscles, joints, nervous system and blood supply.
New to this edition, the introduction of an e-learning course as a helpful study aid and an ideal complement to the text.
Key features:
Fully revised and updated text and introduction of online resources
Excellent new full-colour images and photographs provide the highest level of clarity
Summary boxes for quick reference and overview
Detailed and focused account of anatomy for physiotherapists and other allied health professionals
Part of the Elsevier Physiotherapy Essentials series, which are key textbooks for students and lecturers
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