In this issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest editors Drs. Scott Leibowitz, Serena Chang, and Natalia Ramos bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as complex psychiatric histories and gender diverse/transgender youth; neurodiversity and transgender/gender diverse youth: the co-occurrence; individual affirming care: psychological and social approaches to trans and gender diverse youth; psychosocial family treatments and navigating family dynamics; and more.
Contains 16 relevant, practice-oriented topics including gender in youth; beyond sex and gender: dimensions across child and adolescent development; gender affirming medical treatments; perspectives: being a trans psychiatrist/provider; and more.
Provides in-depth clinical reviews on transgender and gender diverse children and adolescents, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
Gender Literacy Across Childhood and Adolescence
Traumatic Stress and Resilience Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
Beyond Race, Sex, and Gender: Mental Health Considerations of Transgender Youth of Color, Intersex Youth, and Nonbinary Youth
Assessment of Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents: Incorporating the World Professional Association of Transgender Health Standard of Care 8th Edition
Assessment of Gender Diverse Children: Incorporating the Standard of Care 8th Edition
Complex Psychiatric Histories and Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
Common Intersection of Autism and Gender Diversity in Youth: Clinical Perspectives and Practices
Individual Affirming Care: Psychological and Social Approaches to Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
Family-Based Psychosocial Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Youth Who Experience Trauma
Gender-Affirming Medical Treatments
Dynamic Gender Identities and Expressions: Detransition and Affirming Non-linear Gender Pathways Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
Supporting Transgender Youth Across Psychosocial Systems
Systems-Involved Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth: Homelessness, Juvenile Legal Systems, and Child Welfare and Foster Care
Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth in Inpatient and Other Residential Care
Puberty for Transgender Kids and Their Parents: Impressions from a Mom
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