Covering every aspect of shoulder arthroplasty from initial assessment to comprehensive postoperative rehabilitation, Shoulder Arthroplasty: Principles and Practice, provides highly illustrated, authoritative guidance on the fastest growing arthroplasty procedure. Dr. Joseph Zuckerman, former president of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, has assembled a team of world-renowned contributing authors who clearly explain and demonstrate—in print and in video—the techniques they utilize to achieve successful outcomes. This one-stop reference is an ideal resource for surgeons at all levels of experience who wish to further enhance their ability to perform shoulder replacement.
Covers the essentials of glenohumeral anatomy and the surgical approaches used for shoulder arthroplasty along with in-depth dex_scriptions of preoperative evaluation and patient selection.
Comprehensive sections on all aspects of primary anatomic shoulder arthroplasty, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, and shoulder arthroplasty for fractures.
Detailed techniques for revision shoulder arthroplasty that covers the full spectrum of clinical scenarios encountered including comprehensive sections on complications following surgery.
Discusses special situations such as nerve injury after arthroplasty, arthroplasty for chronic dislocations, arthroplasty in the Parkinson’s patient, arthroplasty for shoulder tumors, prevention of infection, outpatient total shoulder arthroplasty, and much more.
Provides superb visual guidance through full-color illustrations and procedural videos for techniques covered in the book.
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