Hadzic`s Textbook of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management: Self-Assessment and Review
Admir Hadzic
McGraw-Hill Education
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448 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Miller`s Anesthesia, 9e Michael A. Gropper MD PhD, Lars I. Eriksson MD PhD FRCA, Lee A Fleisher MD FACC, Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish MD, Neal H Cohen MD MS MPH, Kate Leslie MB 560,000 500,000won
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통증의학 5판 대한통증학회 150,000 142,500won
Bonica`s Management of Pain 5/e Jane C. Ballantyne MD FRCA 400,000 378,000won
뇌신경마취학 대한뇌신경마취학회 90,000 85,500won
Yao & Artusio’s Anesthesiology, 9/e Fun-Sun F. Yao MD 168,000 152,000won
Gregory`s Pediatric Anesthesia, 6th Edition Dean B. Andropoulos 403,000 402,500won
마취약리학 대한마취약리학회 70,000 66,500won
Essentials of Pain Medicine Benzon, Honorio 150,000 138,000won
Morgan and Mikhail`s Clinical Anesthesiology, 6/e John F. Butterworth 150,000 135,000won
Questions and answers for thorough understanding of the latest advances in regional anesthesia and pain management

Regional anesthesia and acute pain management protocols are rapidly changing. The introduction of ultrasound in international pain management and regional anesthesia has resulted in significant changes in the practice, management, protocols, techniques applications, and their effects on patient safety and efficacy. This evolution of the practice and expansion of new knowledge demands a reliable, up-to-date resource designed to assess understanding of this ever-changing subspecialty. Hadzic’s Textbook of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management Self-Assessment and Review is designed to do just that.

Filling a gap in the medical literature

This innovative review is the first question-and-answer book that focuses on the subspecialty of regional anesthesia and acute pain management and point-of-care ultrasound-guided interventional analgesia and anesthesia. In creating this book, the contributors have selected an international team of opinion leaders and paired them with senior anesthesiology residents to prepare the most pertinent questions and provide the best answers to them. 

Formatted for Efficiency

Each of the 75 chapters consists of multiple-choice questions, answers and explanations, suggested readings, and references. Answers to the questions are derived from the NYSORA’s prestigious textbooks, which are the gold standard educational material in universities worldwide.

An Essential Resource

Hadzic’s Textbook of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management Self-Assessment and Review will prove valuable to anesthesiology students and to fellows in regional anesthesiology, as well as applicants for the diploma in regional anesthesia.


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