Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics: Hand, Elbow, and Shoulder
Thomas E. Trumble
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
This book is part of the series Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics, designed to meet needs expressed by residents for a relatively brief, affordable reference that will enable them to quickly grasp the key concepts and core knowledge needed on each major service within an orthopaedics training program. Brief outlines present need-to-know information and up-to-date content, reflecting the core knowledge involved in techniques used to reconstruct, repair and regenerate bone, soft tissue, nerves, tendons, and more! The field of hand surgery was identified as the area in which residents felt the greatest need for a concise volume that would guide them through their clinical service. The title in the series provides concise, clinically practical coverage of the broad range of disorders of the hand and upper extremities Dr. Trumble is a member of the Council of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and lectures consistently at meetings of ASSH and at the Hand Society Specialty Day presentations for American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Key Features

* Provides overview coverage of hand and wrist anatomy, trauma, reconstruction, and examination techniques
* Designed for focused reading, the book is replete with tables, algorithms, and specially designed diagrams.
* Concise, high-yield presentation makes learning efficient
Chapter 1: Anatomy and Physical Examination of the Hand Joseph A. Izzi, Jr., and Thomas E. Trumble Chapter 2: Phalangeal Fractures and Dislocations Joseph F. Slade III and David P. Magit Chapter 3: Fractures and Dislocations Involving the Metacarpal Bone Andrew D. Markiewitz Chapter 4: Fractures and Dislocations of the Thumb John S. Taras, and Stephen M. Hankins Chapter 5: Thumb Reconstruction Alexander D. Mih Chapter 6: Distal Radius Fractures John Jiulianlo and Jesse Jupiter Chapter 7: DRUJ, TFCC Injuries, and Ulnar Sided Wrist Pain Pamela E. Glennon, Brian D. Adams, and Claudia N. Martinez, MPH Chapter 8: Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunions Victoria D. Knoll and Thomas E. Trumble Chapter 9: Carpal Bone Fractures Excluding the Scaphoid Khemarin Seng and Philip Blazar Chapter 10: Carpal Instability Including Dislocations Alecander Y. Shin and Steven L. Moran Chapter 11: Osteonecrosis of the Carpus Christopher Allan Chapter 12: Flexor Tendon Injuries Mark Rekant Chapter 13: Extensor Tendon Repair and Reconstruction Lisa L. Lattanza and Emily Anne Hattwick Chapter 14: Tenosynovitis: Trigger Finger, Dequervain’s Syndrome, FCR and ECU Ionnis Sarris, Nicholaos A. Darlis, Douglas Musgrave, and Dean G. Sotereanos Chapter 15: Nerve Physiology and Repair Mihye Choi and David T. W. Chiu Chapter 16: Compression Neuropathy A. Lee Dellon, MD Chapter 17: Complex regional Pain Syndrome Evan D. Collins Chapter 18: Tendon transfers for Peripheral Nerve Injuries Daniel N. Switlick and Joseph E. Sheppard Chapter 19: Dupuytren’s Disease John D. Lubahn Chapter 20: Fingertip Injuries, Nailbed Injuries, and Amputations Owen J. Moy and Loretta Coady, MD Chapter 21: Soft-Tissue Coverage of the Hand Arshad Muzaffar Chapter 22: Hand Infections Roger Cornwall Chapter 23: Replantation Michael S. Murphy and James P. Higgins Chapter 24: Osteoarthritis of the Hand and Wrist Michael E. Leit and Matthew M. Tomaino Chapter 25: Rheumatoid Arthritis-Hand and Wrist—Skeletal Reconstruction Anthony M. Sestero, Peter J. Stern, and Leigh S. French Chapter 26: Rheumatoid Arthritis-Hand and Wrist-Soft Tissue Reconstruction Peter J.L. Jebson Chapter 27: Soft Tissue Neoplasm: Benign and Malignant Peter M. Murray Chapter 28: Bone Tumors: Benign and Malignant Keith B. Raskin and David P. Moss Chapter 29: Pediatric Hand Trauma Roger Cornwall and Peter M. Waters Chapter 30: Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity Roger Cornwall and Scott H. Kozin Chapter 31: The Management of the Upper Extremity in Cerebral Palsy and Following Brain Injury in Adulthood Michael R. Hausman and James M Savundra Chapter 32: Tetraplegia Michael W. Keith Chapter 33: Forearm Anatomy and Forearm Fractures David Ring Chapter 34: Elbow Anatomy and Physical Examination Christopher H. Veneziano, Matthew J. Nofziger, and Robert P. Nirschl Chapter 35: Tendon Injuries about the Elbow Jeffrey E. Budoff Chapter 36: Elbow Instability David S. Ruch and Anastasios Papadonikolakis Chapter 37: Fractures of the Elbow Mark E. Baratz and Ajay K. Seth Chapter 38: Elbow Arthritis Steven H. Goldberg, Mark S. Cohen, and Leonid I. Katolik Chapter 39: Humeral Shaft Fractures Lisa Taitsman Chapter 40: Examination of the Shoulder Jeffrey E. Budoff Chapter 41: Tendinopathies about the Shoulder Jeffrey E. Budoff Chapter 42: Glenohumeral Instability, Adhesive Capsulitis, and SLAP Lesions Jeffrey E. Budoff Chapter 43: Shoulder Fractures David Barei Chapter 44: Shoulder Arthritis Phani Dantuluri


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