Medical Pharmacology at a Glance ,5e
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
The best-selling "Medical Pharmacology at a Glance" provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision to the principles of pharmacology.
Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear, informative line diagrams illustrating the essential points.
This new edition of "Medical Pharmacology at a Glance": contains a second colour throughout to enhance the visual appeal, making the subject even easier to understand; presents schematic diagrams on the left page and concise explanations on the right as to how the drugs produce their effects and an outline of their uses; and has been thoroughly revised and updated.
"Medical Pharmacology at a Glance" will continue to appeal to all medical students - ideal pharmacology revision and for use during clinical placements.
An essential buy for students, junior doctors and scientists requiring a succinct and lucid account of medical pharmacology. Reviews of the last edition "..this book does exactly what it says on the label. It provides an "at-a-glance" summary of pharmacology in 45 easily digested, bite-sized chunks...The writing is sharp, terse ..Any student wanting a concise and accurate overview of pharmacology could do no better than start with this book." - "The Pharmaceutical Journal". "I won`t beat around the bush: if you are a pre-clinical medical student and you don`t already own this book, buy it...There isn`t really another book out there which can complete with this title...The "At a Glance" series has expanded rapidly over the last few years, and this book remains the best of the lot...I would strongly urge you to get this book. There aren`t many books out there which I think every student should own.
This is one of them." - "GKT Gazette", March 2003.
1 Introduction: principles of drug action 2 Drug-receptor interactions 3 Drug absorption, distribution and excretion 4 Drug metabolism 5 Local anaesthetics 6 Drugs acting at the neuromuscular junction 7 Autonomic nervous system 8 Autonomic drugs acting at cholinergic synapses 9 Drugs acting on the sympathetic system 10 Ocular pharmacology 11 Asthma, hay fever and anaphylaxis 12 Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract. I: Peptic ulcer 13 Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract. II: Motility and secretions 14 Drugs acting on the kidney—diuretics 15 Drugs used in hypertension 16 Drugs used in angina 17 Antiarrhythmic drugs 18 Drugs used in heart failure 19 Drugs used to affect blood coagulation 20 Lipid-lowering drugs 21 Agents used in anaemias 22 Central transmitter substances 23 General anaesthetics 24 Anxiolytics and hypnotics 25 Antiepileptic drugs 26 Drugs used in Parkinson`s disease 27 Antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) 28 Drugs used in affective disorders—antidepressants 29 Opioid analgesics 30 Drugs used in nausea and vertigo (antiemetics) 31 Drug misuse and dependence 32 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 33 Corticosteroids 34 Sex hormones and drugs 35 Thyroid and antithyroid drugs 36 Antidiabetic agents 37 Antibacterial drugs that inhibit nucleic acid synthesis: sulphonamides, trimethoprim, quinolones and nitroimidazoles 38 Antibacterial drugs that inhibit cell wall synthesis: penicillins, cephalosporins and vancomycin 39 Antibacterial drugs that inhibit protein synthesis: aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, macrolides and chloramphenicol 40 Antifungal and antiviral drugs 41 Drugs acting on parasites. I: Helminths (worms) 42 Drugs acting on parasites. II: Protozoa 43 Drugs used in cancer 44 Poisoning 45 Adverse drug reactions Index


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