Anatomy at a Glance, 2e
Omar Faiz
Blackwell Science
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
Anatomy at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid to fundamental anatomy for medical and allied health students and sports science students. Following the easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear diagrams and illustrations encapsulating all that students need to know.

This new edition of Anatomy at a Glance:

Explains the terminology of dex_scriptive anatomy.
Contains new chapters on foetal development of :
-the thorax
-blood circulation
-the abdomen
-the head and neck
Provides clinical context through Clinical Notes in each chapter.

Anatomy at a Glance will appeal to all medical students, junior doctors, sports science students, nurses, physiotherapists and general practitioners.

Reviews of last edition

"A winner…This book will prove to be very popular with medical students."
Fourth Year Medical Student, University of Manchester

"…this book should prove extremely useful and ideal for that last-minute revision before the exams."
MEDISCOPE, Manchester Medical School Gazette
The thorax 1 The thoracic wall I 2 The thoracic wall II 3 The mediastinum I - the contents of the mediastinum 4 The mediastinum II - the vessels of the thorax 5 The pleura and airways 6 The lungs 7 The heart I 8 The heart II 9 The nerves of the thorax 10 Surface anatomy of the thorax 11 Thorax, developmental aspects 12 The fetal circulation The abdomen and pelvis 13 The abdominal wall 14 The arteries of the abdomen 15 The veins and lymphatics of the abdomen 16 The peritoneum 17 The upper gastrointestinal tract I 18 The upper gastrointestinal tract II 19 The lower gastrointestinal tract 20 The liver, gall-bladder and biliary tree 21 The pancreas and spleen 22 The posterior abdominal wall 23 The nerves of the abdomen 24 Surface anatomy of the abdomen 25 The pelvis I - the bony and ligamentous pelvis 26 The pelvis II - the contents of the pelvis 27 The perineum 28 The pelvic viscera 29 Abdomen, developmental aspect The upper limb 30 The osteology of the upper limb 31 Arteries of the upper limb 32 The venous and lymphatic drainage of the upper limb and the breast, 33 Nerves of the upper limb I 34 Nerves of the upper limb II 35 The pectoral and scapular regions 36 The axilla 37 The shoulder (gleno-humeral) joint 38 The arm 39 The elbow joint and cubital fossa 40 The forearm 41 The carpal tunnel and joints of the wrist and hand 42 The hand 43 Surface anatomy of the upper limb The lower limb 44 The osteology of the lower limb 45 The arteries of the lower limb 46 The veins and lymphatics of the lower limb 47 The nerves of the lower limb I 48 The nerves of the lower limb II 49 The hip joint and gluteal region 50 The thigh 51 The knee joint and popliteal fossa 52 The leg 53 The ankle and foot I 54 The ankle and foot II 55 Surface anatomy of the lower limb The autonomic nervous system 56 The autonomic nervous system The head and neck 57 The skull I 58 The skull II 59 Spinal nerves and cranial nerves I-IV 60 The trigeminal nerve (V) 61 Cranial nerves VI-XII 62 The arteries I 63 The arteries II and the veins 64 Anterior and posterior triangles 65 The pharynx and larynx 66 The root of the neck 67 The oesophagus and trachea and the thyroid gland 68 The upper part of the neck and the submandibular region 69 The mouth, palate and nose 70 The face and scalp 71 The cranial cavity 72 The orbit and eyeball 73 The ear, and lymphatics and surface anatomy of the head and neck 74 Head and neck, developmental aspects The spine and spinal cord 75 The spine 76 The spinal cord Muscle index Index -About the Author-


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