Mosby`s Guide to Physical Examination, 6e
Henry M. Seidel
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Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination is a comprehensive textbook of physical examination, history-taking, and health assessment with a unique emphasis on differential diagnosis and variations across the lifespan. Written by a team of two physicians and two nurses with a special blend of expertise in adult health and pediatrics, the book conveys a uniquely compassionate, patient-centered approach to physical examination with a strong evidence-based foundation. A completely updated art and media program -- consisting of 260 new illustrations, with all new examination photos, full motion video exams on the companion CD-ROM, a completely new 15-part video series, and expanded Health Assessment Online asset library -- further solidify Seidel’s reputation as the best-illustrated, most media rich, physical examination textbook on the market.

Key Features

Lifespan considerations are highlighted in clearly delineated subsections called Infants and Children, Adolescents, Pregnant Women, and Older Adults.
Highlights key points of abnormal findings and medical diagnosis in Differential Diagnosis boxes.
Risk Factors boxes equip examiners to focus on high-risk problems.
Functional Assessment boxes help practitioners focus on the impact of diseases and disorders on patient function.
Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Examination boxes support time-tested exam practices with current research
Documentation content is featured throughout the book in Sample Documentation: History and Physical Examination boxes, and includes both subjective and objective sections.
Summary of Examination boxes serve as a handy review, with page numbers, to help readers ensure that they have mastered the necessary examination steps.
Mnemonics boxes highlight practical memory aids to essential physical characteristics.
Physical Variations boxes highlight key differences in particular racial/ethnic/cultural groups.
Clinical Pearls boxes help transmit the time-tested wisdom of the author team to new practitioners.

New to this Edition

New video-enhanced Companion CD-ROM packaged with each textbook. Unique icons throughout the text refer the user to the Companion CD-ROM where there are relevant video clips for that specific exam.
Staying Well boxes provide helpful patient-teaching hints and can be used to encourage health promotion in patients.
200 new color photographs and 60 new full-color drawings demonstrate key exam steps
Expanded SOAP content
Expanded Domestic violence content
Separate chapters on Pain and Sports Participation Evaluation, as well as a fresh emphasis on health promotion throughout with the inclusion of Staying Well boxes.
A new Dietary Reference Intakes appendix
1. The History and Interviewing Process 2. Cultural Awareness 3. Examination Techniques and Equipment 4. Mental Status 5. Growth and Measurement 6. Nutrition 7. Pain NEW! 8. Skin, Hair, and Nails 9. Lymphatic System 10. Head and Neck 11. Eyes 12. Ears, Nose, and Throat 13. Chest and Lungs 14. Heart 15. Blood Vessels 16. Breasts and Axillae 17. Abdomen 18. Female Genitalia 19. Male Genitalia 20. Anus, Rectum, and Prostate 21. Musculoskeletal System 22. Neurologic System 23. Sports Participation Evaluation NEW! 24. Putting It All Together 25. Taking the Next Steps: Critical Thinking 26. Recording Information 27. Emergency or Life-Threatening Situations


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