The Cervix 2e
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680 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
This is, quite simply, the bible of the cervix.At over 600 pages, with more than 400 illustrations and photographs this text spans everything from embryology to the emotional trauma women undergo when their cervix is removed at hysterectomy.This is also the most up-to-date text in the field - The editors have referenced work up to October 2005, whilst still including all the classic research material and images where appropriate.Essential for gynecologists, oncologists, basic scientists especially those involved in HPV (viral)research, GPs, nurses, colposcopy prctitioners, and sexual transmitted disease doctors- The only definitive major clinical reference book published on the cervix for thirty years- Including the most up-to-date research on HPV including up-to-date vaccine trial data- Highly illustrated in colour including many surgical procedures- Spanning the entire field from embryology to cancer to the holistic approach- International editorship, with leading names in the field- Cervical cancer is the second biggest cause of female cancer mortality worldwide and therefore relevant to the developing and developed world- Specific chapters related to management of cervical cancer in the developing world- Summaries of recommendations by international bodies including the IARC conference (Lyon 2004), dealing with cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment- The Editors, Jordan and Singer, are the co-founders of the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
At over 600 pages, with more than 400 illustrations and photographs this text spans everything from embryology to the emotional trauma women undergo when their cervix is removed at hysterectomy.This is also the most up-to-date text in the field - The editors have referenced work up to October 2005, whilst still including all the classic research material and images where appropriate.Essential for gynecologists, oncologists, basic scientists especially those involved in HPV (viral)research, GPs, nurses, colposcopy prctitioners, and sexual transmitted disease doctors- The only definitive major clinical reference book published on the cervix for thirty years- Including the most up-to-date research on HPV including up-to-date vaccine trial data- Highly illustrated in colour including many surgical procedures- Spanning the entire field from embryology to cancer to emotional trauma- International editorship, with leading names in the field- Cervical cancer is the second biggest cause of female cancer mortality worldwide and therefore relevant to the developing and developed world- Specific chapters related to management of cervical cancer in the developing world- Summaries of recommendations by international bodies including the IARC conference (Lyon 2004), dealing with cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment- The Editors, Jordan and Singer, are the co-founders of the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology This edition has been radically transformed because of the discovery of the human papilloma virus and its crucial role in cervical cancer since the first edition was published. It also covers the very recent discovery of the vaccine against HPV. It contains a number of new chapters;- Decidual ectopy of the uterine cervix- Immunochemistry and immunology of the cervix- Angiogenesis in cervical neoplasia- Cytology of normal and neoplastic cervical epithelium- Cytological screening for cervical neoplasia- The management of multi-focal precancer of the lower genital tract- Radiotherapy in the treatement of cervical cancer- The management of cervical cancer by radiotherapy and chemotherapy- Vaccines to prevent and treat HPV associated disease

Part 1 Basic structure and function of the cervix


1 Morphogenesis and differentiation of the cervicovaginal epithelium John M. McLean

2 The functional anatomy of the cervix, the cervical epithelium and the stroma Albert Singer and Joseph A. Jordan

3 The vascular, neural and lymphatic anatomy of the cervix Timothy A.J. Mould and Carl Chow

4 Immunochemistry and immunology of the cervix Margaret A. Stanley


Part 2 Physiological and drug-induced alterations within the cervical epithelium


5 Morphology of the fetal and prepubertal cervicovaginal epithelium The late Ellis Pixley and Albert Singer

6 The cervical epithelium during puberty and adolescence Anna-Barbara Moscicki and Albert Singer

7 The cervical epithelium and subepithelium during pregnancy and the puerperium Albert Singer

8 Decidual ectopy of the uterine cervix Antoni Basta

9 The effects of oral contraceptive steroids, menopause and hormone replacement therapy on the cervical epithelium Sun Kuie Tay and Albert Singer

10 Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and the cervicovaginal epithelium J. Michael Emens


Part 3 The cervix and fertility and infertility


11 The structure, chemistry and physics of human cervical mucus Khaldoun Sharif and Olufemi Olufowobi

12 Sperm transport in the human and mammalian cervix and genital tract: its relation to fertility Anne M. Jequier


Part 4 The cervix in pregnancy and labour


13 Mechanics, biochemistry and pharmacology of the cervix and labour Harold Gee

14 The incompetent cervix Roy G. Farquharson


Part 5 Cervical infections


15 Pathology of inflammatory diseases of the cervix Kasturi Das, Michele Burday and Debra S. Heller

16 Common non-viral infections of the cervix: clinical features and management Sebastian Faro

17 Common viral infections of the cervix (excluding human papillomavirus): clinical features and management Raymond H. Kaufman and Ervin Adam Part 6A Cervical neoplasia: natural history and pathology

18 Epidemiology and the role of human papillomaviruses Anita Koushik and Eduardo L.F. Franco

19 Molecular basis of cervical neoplasia Frank Stubenrauch and Thomas Iftner

20 Angiogenesis in cervical neoplasia Peter W. Hewett and Asif Ahmed

21 Pathology of neoplastic squamous lesions Raji Ganesan and Terence P. Rollason

22 The pathology of glandular cervical lesions Raji Ganesan, the late Andrew G. Ostor and Terence P. Rollason Part 6B Cervical neoplasia: screening

23 Emotional aspects of cervical neoplasia screening and management Theresa Freeman-Wang and Amali Lokugamage

24 Cytology of normal and neoplastic cervical epithelium Alastair R.S. Deery

25 Cytological screening for cervical neoplasia Julietta Patnick

26 Screening for cervical cancer using HPV tests Andrea R. Spence and Eduardo L.F. Franco

27 Real-time devices for the screening and diagnosis of cervical neoplasia Karen Canfell and Carl Chow

28 A Tumour markers in cervical cancer - I John J. O`Leary, Katharine Astbury and Walter Prendiville 28B Tumour markers in cervical cancer - II Michael Sindos and Narendra Pisal 29A Screening for cervical cancer in developing countries Saloney Nazeer 

29 B Visual screening for cervical neoplasia in developing countries Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, Thara Somanathan and Twalib Ngoma Part 6C Cervical neoplasia: management of premalignant and malignant disease

30 Colposcopy Joseph A. Jordan and Albert Singer

31 The management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (squamous) Mahmood I. Shafi, Joseph A. Jordan and Albert Singer

32 The management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (glandular) David M. Luesley and Richard W. Todd

33 The role of HPV in the management of cervical neoplasia Chris J.L.M. Meijer, Peter J.F. Snijders and Rene H.M. Verheijen

34 The management of cervical premalignancy and malignancy in pregnancy Theresa Freeman-Wang and Patrick G. Walker

35 A Immunosuppression and the cervix: human immunovirus (HIV) Thomas C. Wright Jr

35 B Immunosuppression and the cervix: other immunosuppressive disorders Adeola Olaitan and Theresa Freeman-Wang

36 Staging and pretreatment evaluation of women with cervical cancer Howard W. Jones III

37 The management of microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix Donald E. Marsden, Neville F. Hacker and Lyndal Edwards

38 Management of early-stage cervical cancer by surgery John H. Shepherd

39 The surgical techniques employed for treating early-stage cervical cancer Joseph Hanoch and G. Angus McIndoe

40 The management of advanced cervical cancer by surgery John M. Monaghan

41 The management of multifocal precancer of the lower genital tract Nigel Acheson and Richard W. Todd

42 Radiotherapy in the treatment of cervical cancer Peter Blake

43 Management of cervical cancer by radiotherapy and chemotherapy H. Margot L. Lehman and Gillian M. Thomas

44 Vaccines to prevent and treat human papillomavirus associated anogenital disease Ian H. Frazer and Sally Appleton

45 Psychosocial aspects associated with cervical disease and neoplasia Cornelius O. Granai

46 Colposcopy training and accreditation Charles W.E. Redman

47 The future - towards the elimination of cervical cancer Henry C. Kitchener Index


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