Medicine at a Glance,2e
Patrick Davey
Blackwell Science
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
Medicine at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction and guide to the core curriculum for medical students. Following the familiar easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear tables, illustrations and diagrams encapsulating all the students need to know.

This new edition of Medicine at a Glance:

Is fully revised and updated - THE essential purchase for medical students.
Has a unique structure, divided into over 65 clinical presentations and 150 common diseases.
Covers the essential facts for the diagnosis and treatment of common symptoms and conditions.
Includes 7 new chapters, dealing with topics such as:
How to recognise the critically ill patient
Painless loss of vision / blindness
Allergic reactions
Imaging in respiratory disease
Imaging in gastrointestinal disease
Presents diagrams and illustrations on the left and concise explanations on the right, providing a user-friendly overview of Medicine.

Medicine at a Glance will appeal to all medical students and junior doctors on the Foundation Program, as a core textbook and as a revision aid. The book is also suitable for those training in allied health professions such as nurses and paramedics.

Reviews of last edition

"I definitely recommend this book to all final year students…"
Final Year Student, GKT March 2004

"I can, with complete confidence, recommend this book to all Final Year students. Its got everything you`ll need for Final MB Medicine"
Amazon reviewer, November 2003
Introduction 1 How to be a medical student 2 Basic clinical skills 3 The critically ill patient Clinical Presentations at a Glance Cardiovascular Disease 4 Chest pain 5 Oedema 6 Palpitations 7 The painful leg 8 Heart murmurs 9 Shock Respiratory Disease 10 Breathlessness, cough and haemoptysis 11 Wheeze (stridor) 12 Pleural effusion 13 Pneumothorax Gastroenterology 14 Unintentional weight loss 15 Constipation and change in bowel habit 16 Diarrhoea: acute and chronic 17 Vomiting and intestinal obstruction 18 Haematemesis and melaena 19 Rectal bleeding 20 Dysphagia 21 Abdominal pain and dyspepsia 22 Jaundice 23 Abdominal mass 24 Ascites Renal Medicine 25 Polyuria and oliguria 26 Dysuria, frequency and urgency 27 Haematuria Endocrinology 28 Sweating, flushing and thyroid swellings 29 Obesity 30 Hirsutism and infertility 31 Erectile dysfunction and gynaecomastia Infectious Disease 32 Principles of infection 33 Diagnosis of infection 34 Fever and the assessment of the patient with presumed infection 35 Fever and infections in hospital patients 36 Fever of unknown origin 37 Fever and rash 38 Fever in HIV-infected patients 39 Fever in the returned traveller 40 Vaginal discharge and urethritis Haematology 41 Anaemia 42 Clinical approach to lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly 43 The patient with abnormal bleeding or bruising 44 Leukopenia Oncology 45 Oncological emergencies Neurology 46 Introduction to neurological diagnosis 1 47 Introduction to neurological diagnosis 2 48 Introduction to neurological diagnosis 3: neuroepidemiology 49 Common neurological symptoms 50 Weakness 51 Disturbance of vision: a neurological perspective 52 Sudden painless loss of vision 53 Tremor and other involuntary movements 54 Headache and facial pain 55 Episodic alterations in awareness and consciousness Ophthalmology 56 The red eye Rheumatology 57 Introduction to rheumatological disease 58 Low back pain and other regional pain syndromes Dermatology 59 Introduction to dermatology 60 Itching and rashes 61 Hair loss, clubbing and nail disorders 62 Leg ulcers 63 Photodermatoses Other Acute Medical Emergencies 64 Attempted suicide by drug poisoning 65 Anaphylaxis 66 Allergic reactions 67 Cardiac and respiratory arrest 68 Acute confusional states 69 Coma Diseases and Treatments at a Glance Cardiovascular Disease 70 Hypertension 71 Hyperlipidaemia 72 Acute coronary syndromes 73 Acute myocardial infarction 74 Chronic coronary syndromes 75 Aortic dissection 76 Heart failure 77 Aortic valve disease 78 Mitral valve disease 79 Cardiomyopathies 80 Pericardial disease 81 Pulmonary embolism 82 Cardiac infections 83 Tachyarrhythmias 84 Bradyarrhythmias 85 Congenital heart disease Respiratory Disease 86 Lung function tests 87 Sleep apnoea 88 Respiratory failure 89 Basic chest Xray interpretation 90 Non-invasive ventilation 91 Mechanical ventilation 92 Lower respiratory tract infection: pneumonia 93 Upper respiratory tract infection 94 Asthma 95 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 96 Bronchiectasis 97 Cystic fibrosis 98 Sarcoidosis and other granulomatous lung diseases 99 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) 100 Fibrosing alveolitis 101 Pulmonary eosinophilia and vasculitis 102 Fungi and the lung 103 Industrial lung disease 104 Lung disease caused by drugs 105 BOOP and ARDS 106 Primary tumours of the lung Gastroenterology 107 Food poisoning and gastrointestinal infections 108 Reflux 109 Peptic ulcer disease 110 Diverticular disease 111 Iron deficiency 112 Abnormal liver function tests 113 Inflammatory bowel disease 114 Malabsorption 115 Pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer 116 Gallstone disease 117 Hepatitis: viral and autoimmune 118 Acute and chronic liver disease 119 Metabolic liver disease (including alcohol) 120 Upper gastrointestinal cancer 121 Colorectal cancer 122 Imaging in gastrointestinal disease 123 Functional gastrointestinal disorders 124 Nutrition Renal Medicine 125 Renal physiology and function tests 126 Hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia 127 Hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia 128 Disorders of acid-base balance 129 Urinary calculi 130 Nephrotic and nephritic syndromes 131 Glomerulonephritis 132 Renal involvement in systemic disease 133 Hereditary renal disorders 134 Tubulointerstitial disease 135 Acute renal failure 136 Chronic renal failure and the dialysis patient 137 The renal transplant recipient 138 Drugs and renal failure 139 Benign prostatic hypertrophy 140 Urinary tract infection Endocrinology 141 Diabetes mellitus 142 Complications of diabetes 143 Diabetic emergencies 144 Hyperprolactinaemia and acromegaly 145 Hypothyroidism 146 Hyperthyroidism 147 Calcium metabolism 148 Adrenal disease 149 Miscellaneous endocrine disorders 150 Hypogonadism Infectious Disease 151 Bacteraemia and septic shock 152 Common viral infections in adults 153 HIV infection and AIDS 154 Common fungal infections 155 Specific bacterial infections 156 Malaria 157 Tuberculosis 158 Tropical infectious diseases 159 Diseases predisposing to infection 160 Immunological deficiency syndromes Haematology 161 Haematinic deficiency anaemias 162 Haemolytic anaemia 163 Thalassaemia and sickle cell disease 164 Bone marrow failure 165 Acute leukaemia 166 Chronic leukaemia 167 Lymphoma 168 Myeloproliferative disorders 169 Myeloma 170 Myelodysplasia 171 The blood in systemic disease 172 Platelet disorders 173 Disorders of coagulation 174 Anticoagulation 175 Thrombophilia Oncology 176 Aetiology of cancer 177 Diagnostic strategies and basic principles of cancer management 178 Cancer screening and early detection 179 Breast cancer 180 Prostate cancer 181 Cancer with an unknown primary 182 Paraneoplastic syndromes and hormone-producing cancers 183 Management of terminal illness Neurology 184 Stroke 185 Management of stroke 186 Other vascular disorders of the brain 187 Dementias 188 Epilepsy 189 Multiple sclerosis 190 Infections of the central nervous system 191 Tumours and the nervous system 192 Spinal cord disease 193 Neuromuscular disease 194 Peripheral neuropathy 195 Movement disorders Rheumatology 196 Osteoarthritis 197 Gout and pseudogout 198 Arthritis associated with infectious agents 199 Metabolic bone disease 200 Other bone disease 201 Rheumatoid arthritis 202 Seronegative spondyloarthropathies 203 Vasculitis 204 Systemic lupus erythematosus 205 Inflammatory muscle disease and other conditions Dermatology 206 Eczema and urticaria 207 Psoriasis 208 Acne, rosacea, hidradenitis 209 Disorders of skin pigmentation 210 Blistering diseases 211 Skin infections and infestations 212 The skin and systemic disease 213 Skin tumours 214 Orogenital disease Miscellaneous 215 Psychiatric disorders 216 Illness in elderly people 217 Fluid replacement therapy 218 Chronic tiredness and other medically unexplained symptoms 219 Drug toxicity (adverse drug reactions) Index


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