
교과서에서 가르쳐주지 않는 ... 김정찬, 여인성 70,000 66,500won
덴플릭스 Vol.1 ... 박정철 70,000 66,500won
Contemporary TAD-Facilitated Non-Extract... Yoon-Ah Kook (국윤아) 180,000 171,000won
치과현미경의 기초에서 임상... 대한현미경치과학회 120,000 114,000won
2024 So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무... 김영삼 강수영 김희진 소지현 조은주 35,000 33,250won
화제의 신간
  • 2024 파워 치과위생사 국가시험... 스마트에듀K아카데미 52,000 49,400won
  • 2024 파워 치과위생사 국가시험... 스마트에듀K아카데미 48,000 45,600won
  • 2024 치과건강보험 달인되기 김영삼, 김자영, 고진주 70,000 66,500won
  • Tough Cases : 1. 신경손상 (치과진... 김영균, 김일형 90,000 85,500won
  • Tough Cases: 2. 구강안면통증(치... 김영균, 김일형 90,000 85,500won
459의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 교과서에서 가르쳐주지 않는 임플란트주위염

    김정찬, 여인성

    70,000 66,500won

  • Contemporary TAD-Facilitated Non-Extraction Orthodontics

    Yoon-Ah Kook (국윤아)

    180,000 171,000won

    This comprehensive guide, Contemporary TAD-Facilitated Non-Extraction Orthodontics, provides a detailed overview of non-extraction orthodontic treatment, featuring a wide range of clinical cases, treatment plans, and outcomes through full-color photographs and illustrations. The book offers an in-depth exploration of non-extraction orthodontic treatment with a particular focus on the use of the Modified C-Palatal Plate (MCPP) appliance.

  • 치과현미경의 기초에서 임상까지


    120,000 114,000won

    『치과현미경의 기초에서 임상까지』는 치과 진료의 정밀도와 효율성을 혁신적으로 향상시키기 위해 필수적인 치과현미경의 사용에 대해 광범위하게 다룹니다. 1980년대부터 근관치료, 보철, 치주치료, 구강외과 등 여러 치료 분야에서 활용되어 온 치과현미경은 높은 비용과 설치 공간의 제약으로 일부 치과의사들 사이에서 접근성이 낮다는 인식이 있습니다. 이러한 인식을 개선하고 치과현미경의 다양한 이점을 널리 알리기 위해 이 책이 출간되었습니다.

  • 2024 So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무 치과보험청구

    김영삼 강수영 김희진 소지현 조은주

    35,000 33,250won

    실무 활용도 100% 모든 Case 완벽 산정! 2024년 보건복지부 및 건강보험심사평가원 개정 고시, 최신 동향 완벽 반영! <2024 So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무 치과보험청구>이 새롭게 출시되었습니다! 재작년 출간 이후 꾸준한 사랑을 받아온 [So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무 치과보험청구]가 2024년도 개정판으로 새롭게 출간되었습니다. 이번 개정판에는 실무 활용도를 더욱 완벽하게 높이고자 2024년 변경된 <장애인 가산 항목 확대 및 가산율 상향 적용(고시 제2024-51호, 시행일: 2024.03.27)> 등의 최신 동향을 모두 새로이 반영하고, 인정 및 산정기준, 실제 청구화면을 전면 업데이트 하였습니다. 이 책은 치과인이라면 누구나 알아야 할 필수요소인 치과보험청구의 기초개념과 원리부터 치과에서 흔히 마주하는 상병명, 다양한 진료행위에 따른 실제적인 보험청구 방법까지 오직 “실무자”의 입장에서 필요한 내용들을 쏙쏙 담고 있습니다.

  • 2024 치과보험 파워정복 - 치과보험청구사 3·2급 예상문제집

    김현정 김희진 서영림 소지현 정수오

    38,000 36,100won

    2024년 최신 고시내용이 반영된 <2024 치과보험 파워정복>은 3·2급별로 간단한 “요점 정리”와 “O, X 형식의 테스트”를 통한 기초 다지기부터 출제 동형의 “예상문제” 풀이, 마지막으로 실제 시험 난이도와 유사한 문항들로 이루어진 “실전 모의고사”까지 단계적으로 구성되어 한 권으로 3·2급을 동시에 대비할 수 있도록 최적화되어 있습니다. 시험에 대비하는 문제뿐만 아니라 풀이를 위한 친절한 해답 및 해설도 함께 구성되어 있어 스스로 학습한 내용을 확인하고 검토할 수 있으며, 보험청구와 관련해 궁금한 부분이 생기거나 추가 정보가 필요할 때마다 참고할 수 있어 실제 현장에서 필요한 지식들까지 체계적으로 학습할 수 있습니다.

  • 2024 파워 치과위생사 국가시험 핵심요약집(전2권)


    52,000 49,400won

  • 2024 파워 치과위생사 국가시험 실전문제집(전3권)


    48,000 45,600won

  • 2024 치과건강보험 달인되기

    김영삼, 김자영, 고진주

    70,000 66,500won

  • 2024 치과보험청구사 3급 해설 및 예상문제

    김아름, 박은진, 이혜영, 한수미

    30,000 28,500won

  • 2024 치과보험청구사 3급 실무이론


    30,000 28,500won

  • Introduction to Dental Materials, 5/e

    Richard van Noort

    97,000 93,000won

    Introduction to Dental Materials discusses and explains the science of clinical and laboratory dental materials. It will help you understand the properties, limitations and safe usage of different materials, and how to navigate this rapidly changing field to choose the most appropriate materials for your patients. Written in an engaging and accessible way, and featuring updated images and photographs as well as "clinical relevance" highlights, this book is perfectly tailored to the needs of the busy student of dentistry or dental therapy.

  • Scully’s Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment, 4/e

    Stephen J. Challacombe PhD FRCPath FDSRCS FMedSci DSc (h.c.) FKC

    171,000 163,000won

    The new edition of this award-winning bookoffers a systemised and objective approach to clinical diagnosis and contemporary non-surgical management of the most common disorders seen in oral medicine. It places a strong emphasis on practical issues such as history taking, examination and differential diagnosis, when clinical investigations are indicated, and how to identify and describe oral lesions. Fully updated with six new chapters and new photographs and artworks, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 4e presents a straightforward, accessible but practical guide to the successful diagnosis and treatment of the most common and potentially serious disorders seen in oral medicine clinical practice. Maintaining a strong patient-centred approach throughout, the book also explores relevant systemic disorders and includes an updated but shortened recommended reading list. This clearly written book places a strong emphasis on practical issues and is beautifully illustrated with liberal use of tables, algorithms and clinical photographs.

  • Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, 9/e

    Elena Bablenis Haveles BS Pharm Pharm D

    124,000 118,000won

    With a focus on the most commonly used drugs in dentistry, Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, 9th Edition provides an in-depth understanding of the pharmacologic principles needed for safe and effective dental treatment and oral health care. It discusses drug properties and mechanisms of action, dosages, intended effects, interactions, and adverse reactions ― both for the medications a patient may already be taking and for the drugs prescribed by the dentist.

  • Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: A Comprehensive Approach, 9/e

    Richard W Brand DDS BS

    138,000 132,000won

    Gain the knowledge of dental anatomy you need as a dental assistant or hygienist! Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: A Comprehensive Approach, 9th Edition provides an all-in-one resource for learning oral histology and embryology, dental anatomy, and head and neck anatomy. Itoffers all the benefits of a combined textbook and workbook, reinforcing your understanding with review questions in each chapter and tests in each unit. The book also includes flashcards for convenient, on-the-go study and reference. Supported with engaging activities on the Evolve website, this book provides a complete learning package!

  • Modern Dental Assisting, 14/e

    Debbie S. Robinson CDA MS

    210,000 200,000won

    Easily master all aspects of dental assisting with the most up-to-date and trusted text available. For more than 45 years, students and practitioners alike have relied on Modern Dental Assisting for its cutting-edge content, easy-to-grasp writing style, step-by-step procedures, and top-notch visuals. And the new 14th edition is no exception. With updated content ― including the latest technological advancements, clinical photographs, and coverage of cultural diversity and how it relates to patient care ― this new edition will guide you from your first day of class all the way to your first job in dental assisting.

  • The Mindful Health Care Professional

    Carmelina D''Arro DMD

    103,000 98,000won

    Research shows that what makes or breaks the success of a health care professional is more than the ability to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment. An HCP’s success hinges on their ability to satisfy patients’ main concerns about HCPs namely, "do they care about me?" and "will the procedure hurt?" The Mindful Health Care Professional teaches HCPs how to train the mind to be calm, focused, and compassionate in ways that enhance their own well-being and their ability to provide patient-centered care. This book offers the core communication skills needed to convey care and build trust with a novel model that helps navigate challenging procedures and consultations. Finally, it contains many simple, evidence-based techniques for managing pain and anxiety during medical and dental procedures, allowing procedures to unfold more easily for all. Written by Dr. Carmelina D’Arro, a seasoned health care professional and qualified mindfulness teacher, this state-of-the-art guide is designed for students in all areas of health care and includes a fully searchable eBook version with each print purchase that provides links to numerous videos.

  • Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 5/e

    Brad W. Neville DDS

    255,000 243,000won

    Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 5th Edition guides you through the wide variety of diseases that may affect the oral and maxillofacial region. More than 1,500 radiographs and full-color clinical photos bring various lesions and conditions to life. Updates in this edition include coverage of the latest advances in oral squamous cell carcinoma treatment, HPV, and molecular pathology, along with revised content throughout. Well-known oral pathology educators Brad Neville, Douglas Damm, Carl Allen, and Angela Chi, bring you up to date on the latest concepts of pathogenesis and disease management in the care of patients with oral disease.

  • The Anatomical Basis of Dentistry, 5/e

    Bernard Liebgott DDS MScD PhD

    167,000 159,000won

    The Anatomical Basis of Dentistry, 5th Edition fulfills the need for a textbook of gross anatomy written specifically for the dental profession. It features core anatomy of the entire body and in-depth chapters dealing with the head and neck and provides a solid foundation for the future dentist and review material for the dental specialty resident. The 5th edition includes a revised chapter on supplemental anatomy for the general dentist and dental specialties, such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, and radiology, along with updated illustrations and clinical applications. In addition, an eBook version is included with print purchase, providing access to all the text, figures, and references and the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Using a clear, accessible style, with practical Clinical Notes boxes updated to include more of a case-based approach, this book closely relates the basic science of applied anatomy to the clinical practice of dentistry and provides an excellent review for board exam preparation.