Netter`s Surgical Anatomy and Approaches, 2nd Edition, provides a clear overview of the exposures, incision sites, surgically relevant landmarks, structures, fascial planes, and common anatomical variants relevant to general surgical operative procedures. Whether used in class, in the lab while learning anatomy, or in the operating room as a trusted reference, this highly visual resource presents unmatched surgical anatomy illustrations by world-renowned surgeon-artist, Frank H. Netter, MD, and new illustrations created in the Netter tradition, as well as surgical exposures, intraoperative photographs, and radiologic imaging.
Key Features
Discusses procedures and anatomy from a surgeon`s point of view.
Features new content throughout, including more intraoperative imaging (both open and minimally invasive), more surgical views, and new coverage of POEM/POP/upper GI endoscopy and ERCP; esophagogastrectomy; laparoscopic Whipple; rectal prolapse; TEMS/TATME; sigmoid colectomy; oncoplastic mammoplasty; and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection.
Presents uniquely detailed artwork of Dr. Netter, Dr. Carlos Machado, and other anatomy illustrators working in the Netter tradition combined with endoscopic, laparoscopic, and radiologic images-all integrated with expert dex_x_scriptions of each operative procedure.
Offers access to more than 30 videos that highlight anatomy relevant to the procedures.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
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