Lippincott® Connect Featured Title
Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes lifetime access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
Timely, accessible, and focused on practical application, Ethics of Sport & Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Applications, Second Edition, details the theories and mechanics of moral reasoning, ethical and unethical behavior in sport, and the development of moral education through sport. This well-organized, case-based approach to sport-related dilemmas teaches readers how to successfully apply moral reasoning skills in good decision making to ensure confidence in sports management.
Extensively updated with real-world examples drawn from the latest sports headlines, this Second Edition is designed to help readers grapple with the many complicated ethical challenges they’ll encounter in today’s sports professions, including performance enhancement, violence in sports, and racial and gender discrimination. An expanded emphasis on applying knowledge and concepts in sport management further equips readers to confront specific scenarios, ultimately improving the overall moral integrity of sport without diminishing its competitive element.
Lippincott® Connect features:
Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can:
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