Medical Terminology & Anatomy for Coding, 3e 해외주문가능
Betsy J. Shiland
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824 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Medical Terminology and Anatomy for Coding, 3rd Edition is unlike any other medical terminology textbook on the market. By interspersing ICD-10 and CPT coding guidelines and notes, electronic medical records, and integrated exercises, it combines anatomy and physiology coverage with the latest medical terminology coders - and coding students - need. The ICD-10-CM classification system serves as the structure for organizing diseases and disorders, with carefully drawn, well-labeled illustrations to help you visualize the associated anatomy. A new Basics of Oncology appendix provides the terminology and physiology of neoplasms, and new CPT coding information indicates where physician coding differs from ICD-10 coding. The robust Evolve site includes games, activities, and animations to reinforce learning.

New to this Edition
•NEW! CPT coding information indicates where physician coding differs from ICD-10 coding.
•NEW and EXAPNDED! New chapter that incorporates pregnancy, perinatal, and congenital conditions to more closely match the ICD-10 manual.
•NEW and UNIQUE! Oncology Basics appendix provides the terminology and physiology of neoplasms that you need to understand. 
•NEW and UNIQUE! Generic and brand drug names table keeps you in the know.
•NEW and EXPANDED! The online course (MTO) now includes adaptive learning, gradable case studies, and audio reviews to provide a complete learning experience for distance learners.
•UPDATED! Evolve student resources now report to the gradebook so you can practice medical terminology in an interactive setting and instructors can follow your progress.
•NEW! Updated ICD-10 guidelines and notes provide up-to-the-minute coding information.
•NEW! Updated terminology reflects current technology and ICD-10 manual terms.

Key Features
•UNIQUE! Medical terminology, anatomy and physiology specifically tailored to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding manuals supply you with an excellent foundation for learning the medical terminology related to coding.
•UNIQUE! A Body Part key provides a complete list of body parts and how they should be coded in ICD-10.
•UNIQUE! Pathology terms organized by ICD-10 disease and disorder categories let you learn terms in the same order they are presented in the coding manual.
•UNIQUE! Guideline Alert! and Special Notes boxes highlight relevant ICD-10 information. 
•UNIQUE! Pharmacology in each body system and a Pharmacology Basics appendix help you recognize drugs and medications in medical reports.
•Procedural terms supply a more complete picture of the number and kind of procedures you will encounter on medical reports.
•UNIQUE! Normal Lab Values appendix familiarizes you with normal and abnormal lab values so you know when to search a medical record for possible additional diagnoses.
•UNIQUE! Root operation tables illustrate the root operations in PCS and their associated suffixes.
•Pathology and procedure terminology tables list the word parts for each term, along with the definition so you become familiar with prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms.
•Exercises interspersed throughout the text encourage you to practice and learn as you move through the material.
•Be Careful! boxes warn you about similar and potentially confusing word parts and medical terms.
•Electronic medical record format illustrates the appearance of electronic records now being used in many healthcare settings.
Unit 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology

Introduction to Medical Terminology
Body Structure and Directional Terminology

Unit 2: Body Systems

Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
Digestive System
Genitourinary System
Obstetric, Perinatal, and Congenital Conditions
Blood, Blood-Forming Organs, and the Immune Mechanism
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Nervous System
Mental And Behavioral Disorders
Eye and Adnexa
Ear and Mastoid Process
Endocrine System and Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases


A: Pharmacology Basics (Now including a table of generic and trade drug names)

B: NEW! Oncology Basics

C: Word Parts and Definitions

D: Definitions and Word Parts

E: Abbreviations

F: Normal Lab Values

G: Body Part Key


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