Metabolic Medicine and Surgery 해외주문가능
Michael M. Rothkopf
Taylor & Francis
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656 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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The first comprehensive overview of an emerging field, Metabolic Medicine and Surgery introduces a new paradigm in patient management that crosses existing subspecialty boundaries. This approach is necessitated by the challenges of treating patients with obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and prediabetes, as well as those with maldigestion, malabsorption, malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. This book teaches physicians and surgeons what they need to know about clinical nutrition, metabolism and the metabolic effects of bariatric surgery. It is also applicable to those in primary care, including physicians, residents, medical students, nurses and nurse practitioners, physician assistants and dietitians who are on the front lines of treating patients with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The book is presented in four sections: 1. An Overview of Metabolic Medicine and Surgery; 2. Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance and Obesity; 3. Diseases of Undernutrition and Absorption; 4. A Nutritional Relationship to Neurological Diseases. It contains chapters from world-renowned experts who are widely published in major medical journals. The book also benefits from the contributions of clinicians with extensive experience and perspective in the field, including many who have been witness to its major developments.

This book’s strength lies in the cross-specialty consensus created by the collaboration of the editors and further developed by their renowned contributors. It demonstrates how medicine, surgery, therapeutics, and nutrition can be combined synergistically to impact patient outcomes. It crystallizes the efforts of a multitude of physicians and scientists trying to control the linked pandemics of obesity, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This book helps you develop comprehensive solutions to diseases afflicting vast numbers of patients worldwide.

An Overview of Metabolic Medicine, Michael M. Rothkopf, Lisa P. Haverstick, and Michael J. Nusbaum
The Practice of Metabolic Medicine, Michael M. Rothkopf, Lisa P. Haverstick, and Michael J. Nusbaum
The Concept of Metabolic Surgery, Michael J. Nusbaum, Michael M. Rothkopf, and Lisa P. Haverstick
Metabolic Syndrome, Amrita G. Sawhney and Michael M. Rothkopf
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Olga A. Melzer, Michael M. Rothkopf, and Lisa Ganjhu
Insulin, the Glycemic Index, and Carcinogenesis, Livia S.A. Augustin, Cyril W.C. Kendall, Arash Mirrahimi, S. Nishi, and David J.A. Jenkins
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease, Miguel A. Martinez-Gonzalez and Maira Bes-Rastrollo
The Risk Relationship between Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, Serena Del Turco, Rosa Sicari, and Amalia Gastaldelli
Strategies for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes, Harry G. Preuss and Jeffrey M. Preuss
Bariatric Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Resolution, Geltrude Mingrone and Marco Castagneto
Incretin Response after Bariatric Surgery, Roxanne Dutia and Blandine Laferrère
Medical Obesity Management, Lisa Marie DeRosimo
Peripheral Endocrine Response to Weight Loss, Priya Sumithran and Joseph Proietto
An Overview of Surgical Weight Loss Options, Amrita G. Sawhney and Michael Fishman
Diabetes Surgery, Alpana Shukla, Rajesh T. Patel, and Francesco Rubino
Metabolic Changes Post–Bariatric Surgery, Juliana S. Simonetti and Caroline Apovian
Metabolic Monitoring of the Bariatric Surgery Patient, L.E. Sasha Stiles
Hypoglycemia after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery, Shannon Roque, Sridhar Nambi, and Michael M. Rothkopf
Micronutrient-Deficient Encephalopathy after Bariatric Surgery, Olga Melzer and Michael M. Rothkopf
Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery, Andrew Z. Fenves and Oleg A. Shchelochkov
The Bedside Diagnosis of Malnutrition, Arthur D. Heller
Nutritional Support: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Stanley J. Dudrick, Lisa P. Haverstick, and Michael M. Rothkopf
Metabolic Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Beverly B. Teter
Nutrition and Gut Immunity, Kenneth A. Kudsk and Joseph F. Pierre
Nutrition Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Leo Galland
Nutritional Management of Short Bowel Syndrome in the Adult with Crohn’s Disease, Melvyn Grovit, Kathie Grovit Ferbas, and Alfred E. Slonim
Neurological Disease of Metabolism, Guha K. Venkatraman
Nutritional Approaches to Epilepsy, Jeffrey M. Politsky and Yelena Karbinovskaya
The Role of Nutritional Factors in Multiple Sclerosis, Channa Kolb, Sheikh M. Faheem, and Bianca Weinstock-Guttman
Micromineral Considerations in Alzheimer’s Dementia, D. Pollock
Ingestion of Inorganic Copper from Drinking Water and Supplements Is a Major Causal Factor in the Epidemic of Alzheimer’s Disease, George J. Brewer
Zinc, Health, and Immunity, Ananda Prasad


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