This superbly illustrated atlas, featuring approximately 2,500 high-quality illustrations, will help all surgeons who perform rhinoplasty in Asian patients to achieve excellent aesthetic and functional outcomes. The differences in nasal anatomy and aesthetic goals between Asian and Western individuals are clearly explained, and the surgical materials appropriate to Asian rhinoplasty are identified. The full set of techniques employed in Asian rhinoplasty are then described and illustrated step by step, taking into account the important advances achieved in recent years. Among the procedures covered are dorsal augmentation using implants and autogenous tissue, tip plasty, tip reduction surgery, short nose correction, humpectomy, correction of alar-columellar disproportion, nostril and alar base reduction, and deviated nose correction. Guidance is offered on management of potential complications, and secondary rhinoplasty is also discussed. This book will enable surgeons to enhance the appearance of the nose in a way that is fully consistent with the other facial features of Asians.
Table of contents
Surgical Anatomy and Physiology of the Nose
Preoperative Evaluation for Rhinoplasty
Incision, Approach, and Perioperative Medications and Instructions
Harvest of Autogenous Tissues
Alloplastic Implants and Allograft Materials in Asian Rhinoplasty
Dorsal Augmentation Using the Implants
Dorsal Augmentation Using Autogenous Tissue
Mid-Vault Surgery: Hump Reduction and Osteotomy
Nasal Tip Plasty: Suture Techniques and Cartilage Grafts
Optimal Tip Projection in Asian Noses
Tip-Reduction Surgery: Bulbous Tip Correction and Long-Nose Correction
Short-Nose Correction
Correction of Alar-Columellar Disproportion
Correction of Nostril and Alar Base
Deviated Nose Correction and Functional Rhinoplasty
Secondary Rhinoplasty
Complications of the Rhinoplasty
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