Fully illustrated in colour throughout including over 500 photographs and illustrations.
Complete coverage of podiatric conditions, including Circulatory Disorders, Rheumatic Diseases, Imaging, Foot Orthoses, Pediatric Podiatry, Podiatric Sports Medicine, Podiatric Surgery, Leprosy and Tropical Medicine.
Brand new chapters covering key topics including Complimentary and Integrated Medicine, Forensic and Legal Medicine, Evidence Based Practice in Podiatry and Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
Now in its 9th edition and fully updated to reflect 21st century podiatric practice Neale`s Disorders of the Foot and Ankle continues to be essential reading for students entering the profession, qualified podiatrists and other health care professionals interested in the foot. Written by a renowned team of expert editors and international contributors it gives up-to-date, evidence-based content of the highest quality. Podiatric students should find everything they need within its covers to pass their exams, whilst qualified clinicians will find it a useful reference during their daily practice. All the common conditions encountered in day-to-day podiatric practice are reviewed and their diagnoses and management described along with areas of related therapeutics.
Key Features
Fully illustrated in colour throughout including over 500 photographs and illustrations.
Complete coverage of podiatric conditions, including Circulatory Disorders, Rheumatic Diseases, Imaging, Foot Orthoses, Pediatric Podiatry, Podiatric Sports Medicine, Podiatric Surgery, Leprosy and Tropical Medicine.
Brand new chapters covering key topics including Complimentary and Integrated Medicine, Forensic and Legal Medicine, Evidence Based Practice in Podiatry and Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
1. Examination and diagnosis in clinical management
2. The skin and nails
3. Dermatological conditions of the foot and leg
4. Musculoskeletal podiatric medicine
5. Circulatory disorders
6. Neurological disorders in the lower extremity
7. Management of leprosy and tropical diseases
8. Rheumatic diseases
9. Metabolic disorders
10. Management of high-risk patients
11. Podiatric management of the older adult
12. Paediatric podiatry or podopaediatric
13. Podiatric sports medicine and injuries
14. Biomechanics of the lower limb and gait analysis
15. Structure and function of the foot
16. Foot orthoses
17. Footwear
18. Pain control
19. Local anaesthesia
20. Minor surgery of the foot
21. Diagnostic imaging
22. Podiatric surgery
23. Principles of infection control
24. Medical emergencies
25. Health and safety in podiatric practice
26. Pharmacology and prescribing
27. Homeopathy
28. Evidence based practice
29. Forensic podiatry
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