Munro Kerr`s Operative Obstetrics, 13e 신간 해외주문가능
Sabaratnam Arulkumaran and Michael Robson, MD
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의학 > 산부인과
308 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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    • Authoritative, world-known editors and author team.
    • Presents a contemporary and pragmatic summary ofrecent developments in operative obstetrics.
    • Contextualises practice in the history of obstetric practice.
    • Accurate line drawings throughout clearly demonstrating relevant procedures and equipment.
    • Advice and management for obstetricians working in resource-limited areas

Key Features
    • Authoritative, world-known editors and author team.
    • Presents a contemporary and pragmatic summary ofrecent developments in operative obstetrics.
    • Contextualises practice in the history of obstetric practice.
    • Accurate line drawings throughout clearly demonstrating relevant procedures and equipment.
    • Advice and management for obstetricians working in resource-limited areas



1. Human birth

  Richard Greene

2. Preterm labour and delivery

  Jane E. Norman

3. Cervical cerclage

  Shane Patrick Higgins

4. Antepartum haemorrhage: an overview

  Alan Cameron

5. Vasa praevia

  Marie Anne Ledingham and Andrew Thomson

6. Abruption

  Fiona Nugent, Andrew Thomson

7. Induction of labour

  Tracey A. Johnston


8. Assessment and management of labour and delivery

  Michael Robson

9. Fetal surveillance in labour

  Sabaratnam Arulkumaran

10. Fetal asphyxia

  Sabaratnam Arulkumaran

11. Acute tocolysis

  Edwin Chandraharan

12. Cord prolapse

  Austin Ugwumadu

13. The use of oxytocin to accelerate or induce labour

  Michael Robson

14. Malpresentations and malposition

  Michael Robson and Thomas Baskett

15. Assisted vaginal delivery: an overview

Stephen O`Brien, Dimitrios Siassakos and Kim Hinshaw

16. Assisted vaginal delivery: non-rotational forceps and manual rotation

Simon Cunningham and Kim Hinshaw

17. Assisted vaginal delivery: vacuum

Thomas van den Akker and Kim Hinshaw

18. Assisted vaginal delivery: rotational forceps

Karl Olah and Kim Hinshaw

19. Shoulder dystocia

  Joanna Crofts

20. Breech delivery

  Lawrence Impey and Anita Hedditch

21. Twin and triplet delivery

  Austin Ugwumadu

22. Labour and delivery after previous caesarean

  Michael Robson

23. Uterine rupture

  Jose Miguel Palacios-Jaraquemada and Donal Brennan

24. Caesarean section: controversies, audit and indications

  Michael Robson

25. Caesarean section: procedure

  Thomas Bergholt

26. Caesarean section: clinical challenges

  Sara Paterson-Brown

27. Additional procedures at caesarean section: salpionghectomy, myomectomy, ovarian surgery and hysterectomy

  Donal Brennan and Jose Miguel Palacios-Jaraquemada

28. Placenta praevia and the morbidly adherent placenta

  Donal Brennan and Jose Miguel Palacios-Jaraquemada

29. Haemorrhagic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation and obstetric resuscitation

  Jennifer M. Walsh and Niamh Ellen Hayes

30. Thromboprophylaxis in labour and delivery

  Niamh Ellen Hayes and Jennifer M. Walsh

31. Amniotic fluid embolism

  Derek Tuffnell

32. Analgesia and anaesthesia in labour and delivery

  Siaghal Mac Colgáin

33. Labour and delivery in high-BMI women

  Dan Farine and Cynthia Maxwell


34. Postpartum haemorrhage

  Andrew Weeks

35. Retained placenta

  Andrew Weeks

36. Uterine and vaginal tamponade

  Andrew Weeks

37. Uterine compression sutures

  Andrew Weeks

38. Pelvic vessel ligation and embolization: obstetric and radiological perspective

  Donal Brennan, David Paul Brophy and Jose Miguel Palacios-Jaraquemada

39. Lower genital tract trauma

  Abdul Hameed Sultan and Bharati R. Thakar

40. Acute uterine inversion

  Sabaratnam Arulkumaran

41. Symphysiotomy

  Priya Soma-Pillay and Robert Pattinson

42. Destructive operations on the fetus

  Priya Soma-Pillay and Robert Pattinson


43. Perinatal audit in labour and delivery - safety, consistency and quality

  Michael Robson

44. Competence and skills training

  Timothy Draycott, Emily Hotton and Sophie Renwick


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