Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 7th Edition
James R. Hupp DMD MD JD MBA
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1034 Pages
7 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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One of the most respected dental surgery books in the world, Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 7thEdition helps you develop skills in evaluation, diagnosis, and patient management. This comprehensive text on oral surgery procedures features full-color photographs and drawings that show how to perform basic surgical techniques, including an overview of more advanced surgical procedures and the latest developments in dental implants, instrumentation, and current technology. A detailed patient evaluation section includes guidelines on when to refer patients to specialists and how to provide supportive postoperative care. New to this edition is a chapter focusing on anesthesia in greater depth than any of the previous editions. Written by well-known OMS educators James R. Hupp, and Edward Ellis III, and Myron R. Tucker, this book is a valuable reference for dentistry and dental hygiene students alike!

  • UPDATED! Chapter, Contemporary Implant Dentistry, includes new and updated implant surgical techniques and virtual planning.
  • UPDATED! Chapter, Treatment of Complex Implant Cases, features new and updated cases requiring more complex treatment, including bone augmentation surgery in combination with implants.
  • UPDATED! Coverage of Management of Sinus Disease updated outline of the fundamental principles for evaluation and treatment of the patient with sinus disease, including endoscopic therapy.
  • UPDATED! Coverage of Management of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw outlines the fundamental principles for evaluation and treatment of the patient.
  • UPDATED! Facial Cosmetic Surgery chapter is organized by nonsurgical and surgical procedures, covering popular procedures such as dermal fillers, botox, facial resurfacing, browlift and forehead procedures, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, and rhytidectomy.
  • UPDATED! Content on implants, new instruments, and the latest technology help you treat your patients more effectively.
  • Basic techniques of evaluation, diagnosis, and medical management described in enough detail to facilitate immediate clinical application.
  • Excellent instrumentation chapter covers a wide variety of instruments and tray set-ups that OMS surgeons use.
  • Complex Exodontia chapter describes techniques for surgical tooth extraction, including the principles of flap design, development, management, and suturing, as well as open extraction of single- and multi-rooted teeth, multiple extractions, and concomitant alveoloplasty.
  • Hundreds of detailed, close-up photographs of intraoperative sites clarify textual dex_scriptions
  • Coverage of complex OMS procedures give you a basic understanding of what you will face later in advanced OMS cases.
  • NEW! Chapter, Anesthesia in Dentistry focuses on anesthesia in greater depth than any of the previous editions including local anesthesia and nitrous oxide sedation.
  • NEW! Expert Consult TM eBook version included with purchase allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices


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