군자출판사 추천도서
  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판 대한소아청소년정신의학회 50,000 47,500won
  • 소아재활의학 3판 대한소아재활·발달의학회 80,000 76,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 파워 이비인후과 3판 안회영 30,000 28,500won
마취통증의학과154의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Cohen’s Comprehensive Thoracic Anesthesia

    Edmond Cohen MD

    264,000 238,000won

    Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. Ideal for clinicians at all levels of experience―from the resident to the subspecialist―Cohen’s Comprehensive Thoracic Anesthesia compiles the many recent advances in thoracic anesthesiology into one convenient, easy-to-use reference. Concise, clinically focused chapters written by international authorities in the field cover all facets of anesthesia practice for thoracic procedures, logically organized by preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative considerations.

  • Smith`s Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 10/e

    Peter J. Davis MD

    312,000 281,000won

    Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. Written and edited by renowned experts in pediatric anesthesia, Smith''s Anesthesia for Infants and Children provides clear, concise guidance on effective perioperative care for any type of pediatric surgery. The 10th Edition contains significantly revised content throughout, bringing you fully up to date with recent advances in clinical and basic science that have led to changes in today’s clinical practice.

  • Stoelting`s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 8/e

    Roberta L. Hines MD

    250,000 225,000won

    Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. A valuable resource for anesthesia providers at all levels of training and practice, Stoelting''''s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 8th Edition, provides concise, thorough coverage of pathophysiology of the most common diseases and their medical management relevant to anesthesia. Noted authority Dr. Roberta L. Hines and new editor Dr. Stephanie Jones lead a stellar team of contributing authors who provide clear, detailed guidance on successfully managing or avoiding complications stemming from pre-existing conditions.

  • Clinical Pain Management: A Practical Guide, 2/e

    Mary E. Lynch

    154,000 147,000won

    Pain has many dimensions, biological, psychological and social, warranting attention in clinical management and research. Despite advances in pain management and understanding, chronic pain in particular continues to be a major health concern. Many challenging problems persist in our efforts to understand and manage chronic pain. This revised and updated second edition of Clinical Pain Management: A Practical Guide draws attention to the challenges that exist for people living with chronic pain conditions, for the clinician trying to provide effective management of the patient''''''''s pain, for the scientist seeking to unravel the mechanisms underlying pain, and for society as a whole.

  • Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, 10e


    Richard M. Pino MD PhD

    84,000 75,600won

  • Text book of Post-ICU Medicine [한글판]

    Robert D. Stevens, Nicholas Hart and Margaret S. Herridge

    70,000 66,500won

  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판

    서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀)

    38,000 36,100won

    서울아산병원 영양집중지원팀(이하 NST)은 2012년 ‘AMC 중환자영양치료’ 초판이 발행된 이후 두 번째 개정으로, 제3개정판에서는 영양지원에 관심이 있거나 영양관련 업무를 하시는 선생님들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 내용들을 중심으로 최신 지견들을 추가하였습니다. 가장 크게 변화된 부분은 질환별 영양치료 부분을 강화하여, 저체온요법 중인 환자와 말기환자를 위한 영양지원 내용이 추가되었다는 것입니다. 서울아산병원에서 사용 중인 영양지원 관련 프로토콜들을 모아 정리하였으니 이번 개정판을 통해 여러 선생님들께 도움이 되리라 생각합니다.

  • Neuroanesthesia, An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics


    Jeffrey R. Kirsch MD, Cynthia A. Lien

    143,000 128,000won

  • Perioperative Medicine, 2e


    Mark F. Newman, MD, Lee A Fleisher, MD, FACC, Clifford Ko, MD, MS, MSHA, FACS and Michael (Monty) Mythen, MBBS FRCA MD

    264,000 237,000won

  • Physical Diagnosis of Pain: An Atlas of Signs and Symptoms, 4/e

    Steven D. Waldman MD JD

    254,000 229,000won

    With a practical focus on how a clinician evaluates pain - "what is it?" rather than "where is it?" - Physical Diagnosis of Pain, 4th Edition, remains your most authoritative source for guidance in this key area of pain management. In this award-winning reference, internationally recognized pain expert Dr. Steven Waldman takes you step by step through the evaluation and diagnosis of more than 280 pain-related conditions based on physical signs. Concise, superbly illustrated chapters help you rapidly diagnose pathology based on physical techniques rather than relying on imaging alone.

  • 혈관질환의 약물치료 매뉴얼

    김덕경, 김영욱

    40,000 38,000won

    단행본 의학서적을 만드는 목적은 어느 한두사람이 가진 탁월하게 많은 지식을 다른 사람들에게 나누어 주는 것이라기보다는 우리들의 다소 부족하고 불확실한 지식을 여러 사람들이 보완하여 조금 더 명료하게 정리하여 한 권의 책에 모아둠으로 이 지식이 필요한 사람들에게 도움을 주는 것이라 생각합니다. 최근 고령환자의 증가와 함께 혈관 질환 환자가 우리 사회에서도 증가하고 있고, 혈관질환에 관련한 약물치료는 새로 개발된 신약의 등장, 지금까지 사용되어 오던 약제의 새로운 부작용 발견, 이들 약제의 용량 혹은 치료 기간의 변화에 대한 새로운 정보 또는 다른 약제와의 병용투여 효과 등이 꾸준히 소개되고 있습니다. 따라서 이 분야의 의학은 다소 가변적이라고도 할 수 있으며, 심혈관 질환에 대한 약물치료의 대단위 임상연구가 지금 이 시간에도 국내외에서 활발히 진행되고 있습니다. 혈관질환 환자의 특징인 고령, 다양한 동반질환, 이에 따른 다양한 약제의 사용, 그리고 환자 개개인에 따른 약재사용의 적응증 및 금기사항, 시술 혹은 수술 등으로 인해 이들 환자에서는 약물치료를 단순화, 일반화 시키기에는 어려운 점이 있다는 점들을 고려하여, 혈관 질환 환자를 위해서 적절한 약물치료의 지침서를 만들기로 하였습니다. 책의 내용은 근거 중심(evidence-based)의 현대의학에서 최근에 추천되고 있는 약물치료법들을 소개하고자 하였습니다.

  • 중환자의학 4판 + 중환자의학 용어집 2판


    100,000 95,000won

    2019년 대한중환자의학회에서는 중환자의학 교과서 제4 개정판을 위하여 편집위원회를 구성하였고, 중환자의학에 관심이 있거나, 종사하고 있는 다양한 분야의 의료진들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 내용들을 중심으로 최신 지견들을 제4 개정판에 추가하였습니다. 가장 크게 변화된 부분은 쇼크에 관한 내용을 강화하여, 총론을 기술하고 저혈량쇼크, 패혈증과 패혈쇼크, 심장성쇼크 및 심부전으로 나누어 독립된 장에서 세분화하여 기술하였습니다. 또한, 복부 외상 부분을 흉복부외상으로 확대하였고, 체외막 산소요법과 대량재해에서 중환자의학을 추가하였습니다. 제4 개정판을 위하여, 새로운 집필진으로 합류하신 18분을 포함해 56분의 중환자의학 전문가들이 참여하였습니다. 또한 2020년 새로 개정된 용어집 표기를 따랐습니다. 이번 제4 개정판에는, 컬러 그림들을 추가하면서 더욱 보기 쉽게 편집하였으니 많은 도움이 되었으면 합니다.

  • 수액요법의 실제(셋째판)

    전재규, 박지훈

    25,000 23,750won

    모든 생체는 물과 공기의 힘으로 살아간다고 할 수 있다. 호흡과 순환은 생물의 생존에 필요한 일차적 기능이다. 생체는 물과 공기의 균형으로 일차적 생명을 유지한다. 따라서 수분의 공급과 배설은 생명과 직결됨으로, 수액요법과 호흡기능의 이해는 모든 의료인의 필수적 지식이 되어야 할 것이다. 과학은 쉴 사이 없이 발전하여, 20세기 말을 전후하여 아인슈타인의 상대성 원리와 막스 플랑크 등에 의한 양자역학 발달로 모든 물질은 에너지에서부터 온다는 가설이 정설로 확정되었고, 인간의 육체도 다른 모든 물질과 꼭 같은 원소로 만들어졌음을 이해하게 되었다. 인간의 육체는 원소가 결합 된 분자의 덩어리로 된 에너지의 집합체이다. 그러나 사람은 물과 산소와 같은 원소로 구성된 에너지의 융합체 이상의 초월적 존재, 즉 혼과 영과 육체가 결합된 전인적 존재이지만, 역시 H2O란 물과 O2란 산소와 수소 그리고 NaCl, KCl 등 26여 개의 원소가 뭉쳐진 육체와 함께 공존함으로 물과 공기의 가치가 더욱 새삼스럽다.

  • Yao & Artusio’s Anesthesiology, 9/e

    Fun-Sun F. Yao MD

    168,000 152,000won

    Case-based and easy to use, Yao & Artusio’s Anesthesiology: Problem-Oriented Patient Management is the bestselling study and review reference preferred by both residents and practicing anesthesiologists. The revised Ninth Edition prepares you for the oral and written boards with more than 60 real-world cases accompanied by questions that conform to the four areas of questioning on the oral boards, reinforcing step-by-step critical thinking about today’s surgical anesthesia and patient management.

  • Pocket Anesthesia, 4/e


    Richard D. Urman MD, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld MD

    98,000 88,000won

    Providing fast access to the most relevant, evidence-based information in all areas of anesthesiology, Pocket Anesthesia, Fourth Edition, is a practical, up-to-date resource for residents, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, and medical students—both on the wards and in the operating room. This concise handbook, now spiralbound, is designed for portability and quick reference, with information presented in a bulleted, outline format throughout.

  • Fundamental and Advanced Fetal Imaging Ultrasound and MRI, 2/e


    Beth Kline-Fath MD

    420,000 378,000won

    Written by leading fetal radiologists and maternal-fetal medicine specialists, with additional input from cardiologists, geneticists, and Doppler specialists, Fundamental and Advanced Fetal Imaging provides comprehensive, practical guidance on prenatal ultrasound and fetal MRI. This state-of-the-art 2nd Edition clearly presents the essential information you need on normal anatomy and techniques, screening of normal and abnormal conditions, and fetal malformations, helping you effectively evaluate obstetric patients and reach an accurate diagnosis for a wide variety of fetal anomalies.

  • Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and Critical Care, An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics

    Karsten Bartels MD MS

    168,000 152,000won

    This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, edited by Dr. Karsten Bartels and Dr. Stefan Dieleman in collaboration with Consulting Editor Dr. Lee Fleisher, focuses on Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and Critical Care. Topics in this issue include: Anesthetic Management for Endovascular Repair of the Thoracic Aorta; Ethical Considerations for Mechanical Support; Modulating Perioperative Ventricular Excitability; Echocardiography Education for Anesthesia Trainees; Mitochondrial Dysfunction After Cardiac Surgery; New Approaches to Perioperative Right Ventricular Assessment; New Techniques for Optimization of Donor Lungs/Hearts; Recent Developments in Catheter-Based Cardiac Procedures; Heart Failure in Adults with Congential Heart Disease; Optimizing Perioperative Blood and Coagulation Management During Cardiac Surgery; Advances in the Prevention of AKI Following Cardiac Surgery; Clinical Trials That Should be Done in Cardiac Anesthesia; and Cardiac Surgery and the Blood-Brain Barrier.

  • Atlas of Uncommon Pain Syndromes, 4/e

    Steven D. Waldman MD JD

    195,000 176,000won

    Covering the many relatively uncommon pain conditions that are often misdiagnosed, this one-of-a-kind visual resource clearly presents the extensive knowledge and experience of world-renowned pain expert Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD. Atlas of Uncommon Pain Syndromes, 4th Edition, first and foremost helps you make a correct diagnosis – a critical step in managing patients in chronic pain. Hundreds of high-quality illustrations, as well as x-rays, ultrasound, CTs, and MRIs, help you confirm your diagnoses with confidence.

  • Anesthesia at the Edge of Life,An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics

    Ranjit Deshpande .M.B.B.S.

    155,000 140,000won

    This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Ranjit Deshpande and Stanley Rosenbaum, is focused on Anesthesia at the Edge of Life. This issue is one of four each year selected by the series Consulting Editor, Dr. Lee Fleisher. Articles in this issue include but are not limited to: Anesthesia for major surgery in the neonate; Anesthesia for the patient on mechanical circulatory support; Anesthesia for the patient with severe liver failure; Anesthesia for the patient on renal replacement therapy; Anesthesia for neurosurgical emergencies; Anesthesia for obstetrical disasters; Anesthesia for the patient in septic shock; Anesthesia for a patient with extensive trauma; Anesthesia for endocrine emergencies; Anesthetic management in malignant hyperthermia; Anesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy; Anesthesia for the morbidly obese patient; Anesthesia for the frail geriatric patient; Emergency anesthesia in resource-limited areas; and Organ donation and ethics in anesthesiology.

  • Multiple Choice Questions in Regional Anaesthesia, 2/e


    Rajesh Gupta

    122,000 110,000won

    This revised and expanded second edition is a learning and self-assessment tool for the study of regional anesthesia. The first part deals with the basic principles of regional anesthesia and the equipment used. This is followed by sections on peripheral nerve blocks, central neuraxial blocks and pain. Pediatric regional anesthesia is discussed along with the adult blocks. There are additional MCQs in each section, and new chapters on the anatomy, physiology, assessment and monitoring of acute pain.