군자출판사 추천도서
  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판 대한소아청소년정신의학회 50,000 47,500won
  • 소아재활의학 3판 대한소아재활·발달의학회 80,000 76,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 파워 이비인후과 3판 안회영 30,000 28,500won
정신건강과251의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 처음 만나는 정신과

    카스가 타케히코(春日武彦)

    20,000 19,000won

    “이런 건 아무도 알려주지 않았어!” 본서는 저자가 정신과 의사가 된 후 경험했던 수많은 사례(케이스)들을 바탕으로 정신과에 처음 입문하였거나 사례를 마주함에 어려움을 겪는 정신건강 관련 종사자들에게 전하는 담담하고 깊은 조언집이다. 정형화되거나 화려한 대처 방법을 알려주기보다 환자들을 진심으로 대하며 동시에 종사자 자신의 정신건강도 챙길 수 있는 ‘적절한’ 해결책을 제시하고, 정신건강 관련 종사자들이 지녀야 할 기초지식과 기본 태도를 되새기며 업무에 임할 수 있도록 반복하여 제시한다. 이러한 <처음 만나는 정신과>를 통하여 정신건강 관련 종사자와 환자에 대한 이해를 높이고, 더욱 효과적인 커뮤니케이션과 치료를 시행함에 도움이 될 것으로 예상된다.

  • Essential Psychiatry for the Aesthetic Practitioner

    Evan A. Rieder

    138,000 131,000won

    ESSENTIAL PSYCHIATRY FOR THE AESTHETIC PRACTITIONER Aesthetic practice requires an understanding of human psychology, yet professionals across cosmetic medicine and related fields receive no formal training in identifying and managing psychological conditions. Essential Psychiatry for the Aesthetic Practitioner provides concise yet comprehensive guidance on approaching patient assessment, identifying common psychiatric diseases, and managing challenging situations in cosmetic practice. This much-needed guide brings together contributions by dermatologists, plastic surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other experts to help practitioners understand the role of psychology in cosmetic practice and improve interpersonal relations with their patients. Assuming no previous background knowledge in psychiatry, the text provides cosmetic practitioners of all training and experience levels with clear guidance, real-world advice, and effective psychological tools to assist their practice. Through common clinical scenarios, readers learn to determine if a patient is a good candidate for a cosmetic procedure, enhance the patient experience, deal with difficult personalities in the cosmetic clinic, recognize obsessive compulsive and body dysmorphic disorders, and more. Describes how to use psychologically informed approaches and treatments for aesthetic patients Features easy-to-use psychological tools such as motivational interviewing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and acceptance and commitment therapy Includes extensive references and practical tips for understanding the psychological implications of cosmetic treatments Covers cosmetic consultations for female, male, and transgender patients Discusses the history and psychology of beauty as well as the role of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals Emphasizes the importance of screening for common psychological comorbidities Addresses the impact of social media on self-image and its role in a growing crisis in beauty and appearance Highlights the need to develop new guidelines to treat rapidly evolving patient populations Explores how gender fluidity and variations in ethnicity are changing the approaches to aesthetic patients Essential Psychiatry for the Aesthetic Practitioner is required reading for dermatologists, plastic surgeons, cosmetic doctors, dentists, nurses, and physician assistants and all other professionals working in aesthetic medicine.

  • Anxiety For Dummies, 3/e


    Charles H. Elliott

    32,000 30,000won

    Feel like your life is spinning out of control? Not sure how to handle what seems like constant change and chaos? You’re not alone—the world has taken some pretty crazy turns recently—but if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you’re likely suffering far more than you need to. Anxiety is our natural reaction to unfamiliar, stressful, and dangerous situations, but for some of us this reaction can become all-consuming and ultimately debilitating. Anxiety For Dummies has the antidote to this, showing you how to manage feelings of uneasiness, distress, and dread—and take back control of your life. In a straightforward and friendly style, clinical psychologists Charles H. Elliot and Laura L. Smith show you how to pinpoint your triggers, use proven techniques and therapies, improve health and eating habits, and make other practical changes to your lifestyle that will have you feeling better fast.

  • How to Promote Wellbeing: Practical Steps for Healthcare Practitioners` Mental Health

    Rachel K. Thomas

    48,000 45,000won

    How to Promote Wellbeing is a timely resource designed to help all healthcare practitioners promote and protect their own and their patients’ wellbeing and mental health. Focusing on practical strategies and guidance, this much-needed book explores approaches for reducing burnout, managing stress, coping with pressure in healthcare settings, recognising signs of impaired decision-making, and much more. Written specifically for busy healthcare practitioners, the book offers focused and succinct chapters on topics ranging from behaviours to improve resilience and mindfulness, to approaches for maintaining work-life balance when confronted with excessive workloads and organisational pressures. Throughout the text, evidence-based tools and techniques are provided to improve the practitioner’s health and facilitate the delivery of high-quality care. Covering a wide range of clinical situations and important issues, this book:

  • Self-Compassion For Dummies

    Steven Hickman

    30,000 28,000won

    Being kind to yourself might sound simple, but self-compassion can change your life dramatically (and most of us are WAY kinder to others than to ourselves) Self-Compassion For Dummies will help you discover self-critical thoughts and self-defeating behaviors that are holding you back from fulfilling your potential and explore how you can learn to work around these things to find your way to more joy and satisfaction. We often think being hard on ourselves will help motivate us to be better people, but Dr. Steven Hickman’s review of the research finds that just the opposite is true. When you learn to love and appreciate yourself completely (as an imperfect human with messy feelings and uncomfortable thoughts), you free yourself up to achieve great things. This book will show you how! Befriending yourself and coping mindfully with the challenges of everyday life is easy with this practical guide. You’ll learn how to give yourself a taste of your own medicine by turning understanding, acceptance, and love—stuff you already do for others all the time—inward.

  • The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Healthcare Practitioners: Research and Practice

    Esther Murray

    78,000 74,000won

    In The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Healthcare Practitioners, accomplished researchers and authors Esther Murray and Jo Brown deliver an insightful exploration of the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing mental health improvement within the healthcare system through a range of practical examples and cases. The book also explores the possibilities available to professionals to talk about their mental health using “borrowed” words and concepts, and uncovers structural and social concerns that prevent practitioners from accessing the time and space they need to address their mental health concerns.

  • 아웃사이더 아트와 미술치료

    Rachel Cohen

    15,000 14,250won

    이 책은 아웃사이더 아트와 미술치료 분야가 성장함에 따라, 두 분야가 직면한 문제를 밝히고 서로의 공유된 역사를 추적함으로써 더 명확하고 일관된 정체성을 구축하는 데 도움을 준다. 이는 미술치료의 뿌리, 분야를 정의하는 문제, 그리고 ‘미술’로 여겨지는 것과 ‘미술치료’로 여겨지는 것 사이의 견고한 경계를 고찰하고 아웃사이더 아트의 이름과 정체성에 관한 논쟁도 함께 살펴본다. 또한 미술치료와 아웃사이더 아트의 공유된 역사를 통해, 오늘날 현장에서 직면한 도전과 개념 정의의 문제들을 완화하는 데 도움을 준다.

  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판


    50,000 47,500won

    대한소아청소년정신의학회가 주관하여 청소년을 대상으로 하는 청소년정신의학 교과서를 2012년에 만들었는데 벌써 9년이 흘렀습니다. 그 동안 청소년에 관심을 가진 다양한 분야의 전문가에 의하여 새로운 자료가 많이 만들어졌습니다. 우리의 한글 교과서를 만드는 것은 외국 교과서를 번역하는 것과는 많이 다릅니다. 외국자료뿐만 아니라 우리 자료를 구하고 그것을 꿰어서 보배를 만드는 과정입니다. 이번 개정판은 초판의 뜻을 잇고 더욱 발전한 청소년 정신의학관련 지식을 모아 독자들이 쉽게 읽고 적용할 수 있도록 하였습니다. 2판은 초판의 6부 체계를 따르지만 청소년 발달과 정신건강의 차원에서 순서를 바꾸고 그간 발전된 부분을 소개하고자 장을 추가하고 집필진의 깊이와 넓이를 확장하려고 노력하여 몇 가지 특징을 갖습니다. 전반적인 청소년 발달을 익히고 문화에 따른 청소년 변화를 다루고 청소년의 정신건강(질환)에 대하여 알아보고 청소년의 문제를 평가하여 정신건강에 접근하고 청소년 정신건강을 지원하는 체계까지 아우르는 방식으로 기술하였습니다. 특히 청소년의 문화와 관련된 여러 장을 신설하여 초판에서 다루지 못한 부분을 다루고자 하였습니다. 두 번째로는 청소년정신질환을 미국정신의학협회(APA)에서 2013년에 개정한 정신질환 진단 및 통계 매뉴얼(DSM) 5판에 따라서 기술함으로써 초판이 최신의 미국진단분류체계를 따르지 못한 면을 개선하였습니다.

  • Problem-Based Psychiatry

    David Meagher MB BCh BAO DPM MSc MHSc MD PhD MRCPsych.

    68,000 61,000won

    Problem-Based Psychiatry is a comprehensive resource covering the key principles of evidence-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment of the full range of psychiatric disorders. The text is highly engaging and interactive. It offers a unique patient-centred, multidisciplinary perspective, taking students through a series of narratives designed to prompt deeper understanding and learning. Ideal for medical students and educators alike, this text will also be a valuable resource for doctors engaged in postgraduate training in psychiatry and other medical disciplines, as well as for the range of allied mental health professionals.

  • AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER ACROSS THE LIFESPAN Part II, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North Ameri

    Robert w Wisner Carlson MD

    119,000 107,000won

    This issue of Psychiatric Clinics, guest-edited by Drs. Robert Wisner-Carlson, Thomas Flis, Scott Pekrul, and Robert Schloesser will discuss a number of important topics addressing Autism Disorders Across the lifespan. This issue is one of four each year selected by our series consulting editor, Dr. Harsh Trivedi of Sheppard Pratt Health System. Part I of this issue published previously. Articles in this issue include: Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis in Autism; Catatonia in Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Autism; Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance Use Disorder: A Dual Diagnosis Hiding in Plain Sight; Seizures and Epilepsy in Autism Spectrum Disorder; Gastrointestinal Issues and Autism Spectrum Disorder; The Impact of Applied Behavior Analysis to Address Mealtime Behaviors of Concern Among Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Assessment and Treatment of Emotion Regulation Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder Across the Life Span: Current State of the Science and Future Directions; Sexuality and Gender Issues in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder; and Facial Expression Production and Recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Shifting Landscape.

  • Medical Education in Psychiatry, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America

    Robert J. Boland

    119,000 107,000won

    his issue of Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Robert J. Boland and Hermioni Lokko Amonoo, will discuss a Psychiatric Education and Lifelong Learning. This issue is one of four each year selected by our series consulting editor, Dr. Harsh Trivedi of Sheppard Pratt Health System. Topics in this issue include: Types of Learners, Incorporating cultural sensitivity into education, The Use of Simulation in Teaching, Computer-Based teaching, Creating Successful Presentations, Adapting Teaching to the Clinical Setting, Teaching Psychotherapy, Competency-Based Assessment in Psychiatric Education, Giving feedback, Multiple Choice Tests, The use of narrative techniques in psychiatry, Fostering Careers in Psychiatric Education, Neuroscience Education: Making it relevant to psychiatric training, Lifelong learning in psychiatry and the role of certification, and Advancing Workplace-Based Assessment in Psychiatric Education: Key Design and Implementation Issues.

  • Emotion Dysregulation and Outbursts in Children and Adolescents: Part I, An Issue of ChildAnd Adoles

    Gabrielle A. Carlson MD

    119,000 107,000won

    This issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Gabrielle A. Carlson and Manpreet Kaur Singh, is Part I of a two-part issue covering Emotion Dysregulation in Children. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Todd Peters. Topics discussed in this issue include but are not limited to: Aggression, irritability, and mood dysregulation; Measurement of Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents; The phenomenology of outbursts; Understanding, Assessing and Intervening with Emotion Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder; Dysregulation and Suicide in Children and Adolescents; Aggression and Dysregulation: A Trauma Informed Approach; Anger outbursts and aggressive symptoms in Tourette Disorder; ADHD and the Dysregulation of Emotion Generation and Emotional Expression; Dysregulation in major mental illness; and Dysregulation, Catastrophic Reactions and Anxiety Disorders, among others.

  • 울분: 사회적, 심리학적, 임상적 측면들

    강형원, 김수임, 김혜겸, 정문주

    25,000 23,750won

    이 책은 크게 4개 부분으로 이루어져있다. 첫 번째 부분은 울분의 특성에 대한 내용으로, 감정원형으로서 울분 개념을 정리하고, 각각의 부당함 혹은 부정적인 사건으로서 관련된 요소들을 다루었다. 두 번째 부분은 울분의 배 경으로, 개인적 문제에서 가정, 직장 등의 굴욕적인 사회적 기억 맥락 안에서 그리고 문화적 배경에서 울분의 질병상태를 다루었다. 세 번째 부분은 울분 의 치료적 관점으로, 정신약물학적 치료, 용서치료(Forgiveness therapy), 지 혜심리치료(Wisdom psychotherapy) 등 개인적 치료뿐만 아니라 사회적 수준 에서의 치료적 접근을 다루었다. 마지막 네 번째 부분은 울분의 진단체계에 대한 논의를 다루었는데, 정신과 기존 진단과의 차이점에서 PTED의 과학적 논의의 불을 지폈다. 향후 PTED가 PTSD와 같이 정식 진단명으로 등재될 수 있을 것인가에 대한 관점도 정신의학계에서 흥미 있게 지켜볼 일이다. 역자들이 번역 과정에서 우리말로 표현하기 힘든 용어를 접하게 되면 서로 의 논의를 걸쳐 최대한 근접한 용어를 사용할려고 노력했다. 하지만, 딱 맞아 떨어지지 않아 마지막까지 고민하고 용어선정을 했다. 대표적인 예를 들면, ‘bitterness’라는 용어가 자주 등장하게되는 데 원래 ‘bitter’는 맛을 묘사할 때 쓰는 용어라 인생의 ‘쓴맛’ 같은 감정을 표현하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 우리말 로 ‘쓰라림’, ‘괴로움’, ‘비통함’, ‘억울함’, ‘울분감’ 등으로 번역 될 수 있지만 대체로 ‘억울함’으로 통일하여 번역하였고, 문맥에 따라서 ‘괴로움’으로도 번역되기도 하였다. 혹 번역서를 읽으며 이해되지 않은 부분이 있다면 그건 역자들의 책임일 것이다. 독자 여러분들의 아낌없는 고언을 바란다. 이제 울분은 학계에서 주목할 만한 독특하고 중요한 심리적 현상이다. 이 를 입증하기 위한 더 많은 연구가 필요한 것도 사실이지만, 임상적으로 환자의 정서 심리를 이해하는 데 ‘울분’이라는 개념은 기여한 바가 크다. 이 번역서를 통해 정서적인 문제로 고통받은 사람들, 이를 돕고자 하는 치료자들, 연구자들에게 도움이 되길 기대한다.

  • 한국인의 울분과 외상후 울분장애 (2022 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정!)

    채정호, 정찬승, 민성길, 김종진, 미하엘 린덴

    23,000 21,850won

    이 책은 우리가 흔히 알고 있는 화병, 즉 외상후 울분장애에 관해 풀어낸 책입니다. 일반적인 측면에서의 화와 분노에 대한 개념, 그로 인한 정신장애의 분류를 기술함은 물론, 분석심리학적 측면에서의 화에 대한 내용도 잘 풀어내었습니다. 또한 화병의 원인부터 증상, 치료는 물론 신종 분노장애에 대한 내용까지 알차게 담아내었습니다. 특히, 4장은 독일의 정신과 의사인 미하엘 린덴 교수의 저서인 외상후 울분장애를 김종진 교수가 번역하여 함께 담아내었습니다. 국내에 외상후 울분장애에 관한 제대로 된 저서가 없었던 차에 원전을 그대로 소개하는 것은 큰 의미가 될 것이라고 생각합니다.

  • Police Psychology: New Trends in Forensic Psychological Science, 1e


    Paulo Barbosa Marques (Editor), Mauro Paulino (Editor)

    150,000 135,000won

  • Psychopathy and Criminal Behavior: Current Trends and Challenges, 1e


    Paulo Barbosa Marques (Editor), Mauro Paulino (Editor), Laura Alho (Editor)

    96,000 86,000won

  • Alcohol: Neurobiology of Addiction, 1e


    George F. Koob (Author), Michael A. Arends BS (Author), Mandy McCracken (Author), Michel Le Moal (Author)

    150,000 135,000won

  • Measurement-Based Care, An Issue of ChildAnd Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America

    Edited by Jessica Jeffrey

    128,000 116,000won

    This issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs Jessica Jeffrey, Eugene Grudnikoff, Barry Sarvet and Rajeev Krishna, will cover key topics of importance surrounding Measurement-Based Care in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Todd Peters. Topics discussed in this issue include but are not limited to: Evidence for the use of MBC in clinical practice; Validated Measures in Child Psychiatry and How to Use Them; Integrating MBC into Trainee Education; MBC In the Treatment of Depression; MBC in the Treatment of Anxiety; MBC in the Treatment of ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders; MBC in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders; Implementing MBC in Various Practice Settings; Use of MBC Data to track Clinic Performance and Quality Outcomes; Use of MBC Data in Population Health Management; HIT resources to support MBC, among others.

  • Psychopharmacology Algorithms

    David Osser

    97,000 87,300won

    Algorithms serve an important purpose in the field of psychopharmacology as heuristics for avoiding the biases and cognitive lapses that are common when prescribing for many conditions whose treatment is based on complex data. Unique in the field, this title compiles twelve papers from the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Psychiatry Residency Training Program and presents practical ways to adopt evidence-based practices into the day-to-day treatment of patients. Psychopharmacology Algorithms is a useful resource for practicing psychiatrists, residents, and fellows, as well as psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychiatric physician assistants who prescribe, advanced practice pharmacists who prescribe, and primary care clinicians. Teachers of psychopharmacology may find it particularly valuable. Researchers in clinical psychopharmacology may find it helpful in identifying important practice areas that are in need of further study. Contains ten updated psychopharmacology treatment algorithms designed to assist with the clinical use of psychiatric medications, each complete with extensive critical evaluation of the evidence supporting the rationales for each treatment step and the advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives to the recommended treatments. Provides introductory material explaining the usefulness of algorithms as clinical tools and how to make best use of the algorithms in the book. Papers focusing on inpatient psychopharmacology, and on residency training in psychopharmacology using the algorithms are included Annual updates to the accompanying eBook are planned. Prepared by David N. Osser, MD, general editor of the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program and its website psychopharm.mobi, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and an editorial board member of several psychiatric and psychopharmacology journals and the Model Curriculum for Psychopharmacology of the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.