군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medici... Dennis L. Kasper ,Anthony S. Fauci ,Stephen L. Hauser , Dan L. Longo,J. Larry Jameson 380,000 190,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
약리학/약학133의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Martin`s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8/e

    Patrick J. Sinko

    154,000 147,000won

    Consistently revised and updated for more than 60 years to reflect the most current research and practice, Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8th Edition, is the original and most comprehensive text available on the physical, chemical, and biological principles that underlie pharmacology and the pharmaceutical sciences. An ideal resource for PharmD and pharmacy students worldwide, teachers, researchers, or industrial pharmaceutical scientists, this 8th Edition has been thoroughly revised, enhanced, and reorganized to provide readers with a clear, consistent learning experience that puts essential principles and concepts in a practical, approachable context. Updated content reflects the latest developments and perspectives across the full spectrum of physical pharmacy and a new full-color design makes it easier than ever to discover, distinguish, and understand information—providing users the most robust support available for applying the elements of biology, physics, and chemistry in work or study.

  • Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 4/e

    Michael Heinrich Dr rer nat habil MA(WSU) Dipl. Biol. FLS

    84,000 80,000won

    Pharmacognosy, the science of nature-derived drugs, pharmaceuticals, and poisons, played a crucial role in the development of modern medicine, and now has an equally important place in healthcare all over the world. This wide scope ranges from traditional medicine systems and herbal and nutritional therapies, the preparation and use of highly standardised and clinically tested herbal medicines, to the production of potent drugs used only in a purified form. Natural sources mainly focus on plants, fungi and algae, but drug discovery of novel compounds and structures includes bacteria and even marine animals.

  • 자신만만 건강보험 약가정책

    임형식, 이재익, 이은희

    30,000 28,500won

  • 자신만만 약처방

    김영설, 임형식

    40,000 38,000won

    약물요법은 중요한 치료 수단이며, 좋은 약 처방은 환자의 상태를 좋게 한다. 하지만 때로는 처방한 약제의 부작용 탓에 역효과가 일어나는 경우도 있다. 이러한 불상사를 막기 위해 처방 시에 수많은 약들의 효능, 부작용 그리고 다른 약들과의 상호작용까지 모두 고려하는 것이 중요하다. 지난 수년간 다양한 새로운 치료제들이 대거 등장하며 약물 요법이 급속하게 발전했다. 이를 통해 그동안 치료가 어려웠던 많은 병의 치료 또한 가능하게 되었다. 그러나 너무 많은 치료제가 도입되면서 약 처방이 점점 어려워지고 있다. 약물에 대한 지식뿐만 아니라, 약의 이용에 대한 구체적인 지침이 필요한 시기가 온 것이다.

  • Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 8/e

    Karen Whalen PharmD, BCPS

    135,300 128,500won

    Students’ favorite review resource for studying the essentials of medical pharmacology, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 8th Edition, presents up-to-date drug information in an accessible format ideal for effective review. Part of the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, this concise resource features clear writing and hundreds of illustrations that break down complex pharmacological information, so it is understandable and accessible. Sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work, and review questions with answers deliver powerful, practical exam preparation.

  • Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention

    Surya K. De

    175,000 167,000won

    In Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention, distinguished researcher Surya K. De delivers a concise and authoritative guide to cancer treatment, diagnosis, and prevention. The book offers a comprehensive overview of cancer in humans, from its causes, symptoms, and diagnosis to the variety of treatment options available today. Intuitively organized by cancer type, this guide provides concise information on risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options for all commonly encountered tumors, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. All US FDA-approved drugs—like small molecules, peptides, monoclonal antibodies, whole antibodies, gene therapy, antibody-drug conjugates, and cell therapies—are considered, and information about their generic and brand names, clinical uses, and mechanisms of action is presented. Readers will also find:

  • Drug Hypersensitivity, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America

    Elizabeth Phillips

    139,000 133,000won

    In this issue of Immunology & Allergy Clinics, guest editor Dr. Elizabeth J. Phillips brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Drug Hypersensitivity. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as perioperative anaphylaxis; telemedicine in drug hypersensitivity; aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease; pediatric drug allergy; and more.

  • Stoklosa and Ansel`s Pharmaceutical Calculations, 16/e

    Shelly J Stockton PhD RPh

    118,000 106,000won

    The gold standard on pharmaceutical calculations, this widely acclaimed text covers the full range of calculations pharmacy students must learn for successful pharmacy practice, including dosing, compounding, metric conversions and more. Thoroughly reviewed by practitioners and educators and extensively revised and updated, this 16th edition maintains high standards for both academic and basic practice requirements while offering the most comprehensive and in-depth coverage of pharmacy calculations available. A consistent, step-by-step approach makes it easy to work through the problems and gain a greater understanding of the underlying concepts, and new online access to calculation problems makes this the most engaging edition yet.

  • 제약바이오 산업의 실무


    33,000 31,350won

    제약바이오에 대해 총망라한 집약서! 제약바이오 회사의 실무영역인 제약산업의 개요, 제약바이오산업 트렌드, 신약후보물질연구, 의약품연구개발, GLP, GCP, GMP, Validation, GSP, 의약품 인허가, 의약품 약가, 국민건강보험, 의약품 안전관리, 제약바이오 영업마케팅까지 모두 수록! 총괄적이고 통합적인 식견을 무장한 책! 제약바이오 산업에 대한 각종 노하우 수록! 실질적인 업무수행이 가능하도록 종합적인 지식과 실무경험을 제공!

  • Katzung & Trevor`s Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, 13e (IE)


    Bertram Katzung (Author), Marieke Kruidering-Hall (Author), Rupa Lalchandani Tuan (Author), Todd W. Vanderah (Author), Anthony Trevor (Author)

    93,000 83,700won

  • Cobert`s Manual of Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance, 3e


    Barton Cobert, William W Gregory, Jean-Loup Thomas

    150,000 130,000won

  • Workbook and Lab Manual for Mosby`s Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 6/e

    Karen Davis AAHCA BS CPhT

    71,000 63,000won

    This easy-to-use, chapter-by-chapter companion to Mosby''s Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition helps you solidify your understanding and mastery of key skills and concepts. Each chapter of this combination workbook and lab manual contains a wide variety of review questions, exercises, and experiential lab activities to help reinforce key concepts, encourage you to reflect critically, and relate to practice for success on the job. Combined with the core textbook, this learning package takes you from day one through graduation and certification!

  • Mosby`s Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 6/e

    Karen Davis AAHCA BS CPhT

    130,000 117,000won

    Get everything you need to prepare for a successful career as a pharmacy technician in one easy-to-read textbook! Useful from day one through graduation, Mosby''s Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition includes comprehensive information on pharmacy practice, anatomy and physiology, math calculation, and pharmacology. Built from the ground up to map directly to American Society for Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) accreditation competencies and to the accepted certification exams, this approachable text covers everything from processing and handling of medications and medication orders to patient safety, quality assurance, and regulation and compliance. It also features a rich art program with equipment close-ups, clinical procedures and processes, and body system illustrations that bring the content to life and visually reinforce your understanding of key concepts. With its clear writing, expert insight, and engaging study tools, this text will help you develop a solid foundation in the pharmacy content you need to pass the board examination and launch a successful and rewarding career.

  • Aulton`s Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines, 6/e

    Kevin M.G. Taylor BPharm PhD FRPharmS

    82,000 73,000won

    One of the world’s best-known texts on pharmaceutics, Aulton''''''''s Pharmaceutics offers a complete course in one book for students in all years of undergraduate pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences degrees. Thoroughly revised, updated and extended by experts in their fields and edited by Professors Kevin Taylor and Michael Aulton, this new edition includes the science of formulation, pharmaceutical manufacturing and drug delivery. All aspects of pharmaceutics are covered in a clear and readily accessible way and extensively illustrated throughout, providing an essential companion to the entire pharmaceutics curriculum from day one until the end of the course.

  • 유전성 유방암 유전상담 매뉴얼 2판

    한국유방암학회, 한국인 유전성 유방암 연구회

    20,000 19,000won

    여성에서 가장 많이 발생하는 유방암은 여러 가지 원인에 기인하지만 그 중 유전적 원인은 환자뿐 아니라 가족에게도 의미가 큰 중요한 인자 입니다. 최근 과학의 발전과 더불어 유방암의 유전적 원인들도 하나 둘 씩 밝혀지고 있으며, 이는 환자에 대한 맞춤 치료를 가능하게 하고 있습니다. 한국인 유전성 유방암 연구(KOHBRA Study)는 2007년 시작 후, 현재까지 70편이 넘는 새로운 후속 연구 성과를 내오고 있습니다. 그간 서구의 연구결과를 한국인 유전성 유방암의 임상 진료에 적용할 수밖에 없는 한계를 조금씩 줄이며 국내 결과를 임상지침에 반영하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 이 같이 유전적 원인을 밝히고자 하는 노력은 유방암 환자의 치료의 측면뿐 아니라, 암이 발생할 위험이 높은 유전자변이를 가진 보인자를 찾아내고 이들과 가족의 잠재적 위험을 낮춘다는 점에서 매우 중요한 과정입니다. 하지만, 이러한 노력이 늘 긍정적인 측면만 존재하는 것은 아니어서, 유전성 유방암에 대한 이해와 검사에 대한 정확한 정보 전달, 이에 따른 위험과 이득을 적절히 설명하는 과정은 유전자검사에서 매우 중요합니다. 이처럼 유전상담은 유전자검사의 필수적인 요소로 유전적 요인과 질병과의 연관성 안에서 의학적, 심리적 그리고 가족 관계를 이해하고 적응하도록 돕는 과정입니다. 이 매뉴얼은 유전성 유방암 고위험군 환자 또는 가족을 진료하고 상담하는 데 있어 조금이라도 보탬이 되고자 2012년 3월, 처음 제작되었으며, 한국유방암학회 유전성 유방암 연구회에서는 유전성 유방암 심포지엄과 워크샵을 통해서 교재로 활용하여 유전성 유방암 유전상담 인증교육을 실시하고 있습니다.

  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판

    서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀)

    38,000 36,100won

    서울아산병원 영양집중지원팀(이하 NST)은 2012년 ‘AMC 중환자영양치료’ 초판이 발행된 이후 두 번째 개정으로, 제3개정판에서는 영양지원에 관심이 있거나 영양관련 업무를 하시는 선생님들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 내용들을 중심으로 최신 지견들을 추가하였습니다. 가장 크게 변화된 부분은 질환별 영양치료 부분을 강화하여, 저체온요법 중인 환자와 말기환자를 위한 영양지원 내용이 추가되었다는 것입니다. 서울아산병원에서 사용 중인 영양지원 관련 프로토콜들을 모아 정리하였으니 이번 개정판을 통해 여러 선생님들께 도움이 되리라 생각합니다.

  • Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics, 3/e

    Karen Rascati

    107,000 96,300won

    Designed as a true introduction to the subject, Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research, ThirdEdition includes information on fundamental topics, defines terminology, and provides examples for evaluating published research, making it perfect for any pharmacy student or practitioner new to the topic. This updated edition provides the critical foundations of knowledge for measuring costs and health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) and evaluating the four types of studies (CMA, CEA, CUA, and CBA); it also explains Markov and Budget Impact Analysis modeling, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using retrospective databases and real-world data (RWD). Additionally, the text summarizes the use of pharmacoeconomic evaluations by decision makers outside of the United States and the extent to which pharmacoeconomic data are used to make decisions in the United States, includes barriers to its use, and discusses future issues. All of this information is designed to ensure preparedness to improve clinical and humanistic outcomes based on available resources. Updated Composite research articles throughout the text demonstrate how to evaluate the positive and negative aspects found in a mix of published research articles. New! Full examples of decision analysis and Markov analysis are available on thePoint.

  • Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook

    Samoon Ahmad M.D

    90,000 81,000won

    Written by experienced clinicians for practicing physicians and other health care providers, this timely handbook presents today’s available information on cannabis and its uses in all areas of patient care. Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook summarizes what is currently known about the positive and negative health impacts of cannabis, detailed pharmacological profiles of both THC and CBD, considerations for each medical specialty, treatment approaches used by practicing clinicians, and insights into the history of cannabis and the current regulatory environment in the United States. This concise, easy-to-navigate guide is an invaluable resource for physicians and residents, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other clinicians who seek reliable clinical guidelines in this growing area of health care. Organizes content by subspecialty, with chapters covering approved uses, side effects, interactions, potential benefits, and more. Includes information on historical and cultural perspectives, current state of legalization in the U.S., cannabis chemical constituents, best practices for clinical use, and products currently available in legal cannabis dispensaries.

  • Nursing2021 Drug Handbook, 41/e

    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    67,000 60,300won

    Find complete monographs for more than 3,700 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs—including essential details on 63 NEW FDA-approved drugs—with important nursing and safety considerations for each and every one in the 41st edition of the Nursing2021 Drug Handbook. Monographs are consistently formatted for ease of use and focus on the practical information that nurses need. Each monograph consists of generic and trade names, pronunciation key, therapeutic and pharmacologic classes, controlled substance schedule (if applicable), available forms, indications and dosages, administration (with drug incompatibilities for IV drugs), action (including tables showing route, onset, peak, duration, and half-life), adverse reactions, interactions, effects on lab test results, contraindications, nursing considerations, and patient teaching. You can always count on the Nursing2021 Drug Handbook to tell you unapproved, off-label drug uses so you'll always know why a drug is prescribed. And, this year, be a more confident nurse with fingertip access to all 63 new drugs, including 25 new comprehensive drug monographs, alphabetized and conveniently grouped in a handy “New Drugs” section. In this edition, you’ll find: