군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 서울아산병원 내과매뉴얼 5판 서울아산병원 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
내과251의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 내분비대사학 3판


    180,000 171,000won

    2019년 12월 처음 시작된 신종 팬데믹과 함께 학회 학술행사를 포함한 우리 일상생활에 많은 변화들이 있었습니다. 2022년 도는 이런 어려운 상황 속에서 대한내분비학회가 창립 40주년이라는 매우 뜻깊은 시간을 맞게 되었을 뿐 아니라, 약 12년 만 에 제3판 내분비대사학 교과서가 새롭게 개정 및 출판되어 더욱 감회(感懷)가 큽니다. 의학의 빠른 발전과 변화만큼 내분비대사 분야에도 많은 변경된 내용들과 추가된 분야들이 있습니다. 이번 개정 교과서는 이러한 부분들을 최대한 반영하여 서론에 해당하는 내분비계와 호르몬, 그리고 각론으로 시상하부와 뇌하수체, 갑상선, 부신, 생식, 발달과 성장, 노화, 기타 내분비질환, 당대사질환, 지단백질대사와 이상, 골·무기질대사, 내분비교란물질 등 총 12개 분야로 구성하였습니다. 각 분야에는 일부 추가되거나 변경된 챕터들이 있으며 내용은 의과대학 학생을 포함하여 내분비대사를 전공하는 전문의들 또한 기본 교과서로 사용할 수 있는 수준으로 폭넓게 준비하고자 하였습니다. 각 챕터별 전개는 기초 분야를 포함한 호르몬 개론에 대해서는 서론(개요), 본론(종류 및 역할, 조절), 최신정보 및 전망 등의 순으로 그리고 각 분야별 질환은 서론(개요), 역학, 임상특성, 진단, 감별진단, 치료, 예후, 최신정보 및 전망의 순으로 기술하였습니다.

  • 문제중심 임상소화기학


    40,000 38,000won

    제가 내과 전문의를 취득한 것이 2002년이므로 올해 20주년이 되는 해입니다. 평범한 봉직의로 진료에 매진해 왔다고 생각합니다. 20주년을 기념하여 진료하고 있는 흔한 소화기질환들을 정리하면서 제 진료행태를 돌아보고, 소화기학에 입문하는 의대생이나 본격적으로 진료를 시작하는 전공의와 전임의 후배들에게 도움이 될까 하여 책으로 내게 되었습니다. 의과대학에서 배워야 할 소화기학은 내용이 실로 방대합니다. 해리슨 교과서는 한 문장, 한 문장이 주옥같아 임상경험이 어느 정도 쌓인 후 다시 읽어보면 감동으로 다가오기도 합니다. 그러나 짧은 학부과정에 천천히 읽을 만한 물리적 시간이 부족한 것이 현실입니다. 그래서 해리슨 교과서 내용을 한글로 요약하고 제가 경험한 임상증례들을 소개하는 방식으로 정리하였습니다. 우리나라에 드문 질환들은 과감히 제외하거나 간략히 하고, 해리슨에 짧게 소개되었으나 흔히 접하는 질환들은 참고문헌과 함께 추가하였습니다. 소화기 분야에 많은 진단과 치료 도구들이 있는데 CT와 내시경이 많이 사용되고 있습니다.

  • 간암 조영초음파 검사

    이주호, 이현웅, 정영걸, 김문영

    36,000 34,200won

    2019년 분당차병원에서 간이식센터 책임을 맡으면서, 일본 소화기학회 임상펠로우 과정으로 오사카 킨다이 대학병원에 단기 연수를 다녀오게 되었습니다. 평소 안면이 있었던 킨다이대학 의과대학교 마사토시 쿠도(Masatoshi Kudo) 주임 교수님께 처음 연수를 부탁드릴 때, 짧은 기간에 뭔가 실용적인 것을 배우고 가면 좋겠다고 하시면서 ‘조영증강 복부초음파’ 술기 연수를 권해주셨습니다. 쿠도 교수님은 일본에서 처음 소나조이드(Sonazoid) 조영제 복부초음파 기술을 개발하고 보급시킨분으로, 2014년 일본 간암 학회 가이드라인을 제정하면서 간암 진단 영상 검사에 ‘조영증강 복부초음파’를 최초로 포함시키셨습니다. 마침 2022년 새로 개정된 대한간암학회 ‘간세포암종 진료가이드라인’에도 ‘쿠퍼세포 특이조영제(Sonazoid) 조영증강 초음파’가 진단검사에 포함되게 되었습니다.

  • 전공의를 위한 간장학매뉴얼


    20,000 19,000won

  • CPT Express Reference Coding Card 2022: General/Internal Medicine

    American Medical Association

    35,000 34,000won

    Each double-sided, laminated CPT(R) 2022 Express Reference coding card is designed to facilitate quick, yet accurate CPT coding by including hundreds of the most reported CPT codes per medical specialty. These easy-to-use reference cards allow healthcare professionals and practice staff to easily locate a desired code, which can then be referenced in the CPT codebook. A separate Modifiers card lists all CPT and HCPCS Level II modifiers for use with CPT codes.

  • Quick Reference to Critical Care, 6e

    Nancy H. Diepenbrock RN CCRN

    98,000 93,000won

  • Making Healthcare Safe: The Story of the Patient Safety Movement

    Lucian L. Leape

    70,000 68,000won

    This unique and engaging open access title provides a compelling and ground-breaking account of the patient safety movement in the United States, told from the perspective of one of its most prominent leaders, and arguably the movement’s founder, Lucian L. Leape, MD. Covering the growth of the field from the late 1980s to 2015, Dr. Leape details the developments, actors, organizations, research, and policy-making activities that marked the evolution and major advances of patient safety in this time span. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, this book not only comprehensively details how and why human and systems errors too often occur in the process of providing health care, it also promotes an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of patient safety, including how they were influenced by today’s modern safety sciences and systems theory and design. Indeed, the book emphasizes how the growing awareness of systems-design thinking and the self-education and commitment to improving patient safety, by not only Dr. Leape but a wide range of other clinicians and health executives from both the private and public sectors, all converged to drive forward the patient safety movement in the US.

  • Introduction to Vascular Neurosurgery

    Justin R. Mascitelli

    196,000 192,000won

    This book aims to cover the majority of neurovascular diseases and management. The first section reviews neurovascular anatomy, the basics of angiography, and the basics of craniotomies for neurovascular diseases. Next, an entire section is devoted to intracranial aneurysms, covering the natural history, subarachnoid hemorrhage, endovascular management, microsurgical management, and vasospasm. Following this, a number of chapters are devoted to stroke including natural history, mechanical thrombectomy, intracranial stenosis, Moyamoya disease, bypass surgery, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, intracerebral hemorrhage, sinus thrombosis, and the surgical and endovascular management of extracranial carotid disease. Next, the text covers vascular malformations including arteriovenous malformation, arteriovenous fistulas, carotid cavernous fistulas, vein of Galen malformations, spinal malformations, and cavernous malformations. Finally, the book discusses a few miscellaneous topics including more recent advances in neurovascular care such as venous sinus stenting for idiopathic intracranial hypertension and middle meningeal artery embolization for subdural hematoma. Written by experts in the field, Introduction to Vascular Neurosurgery provides a comprehensive summary of neurovascular disease and management. The book can be used as a daily reference and serves as a trusted resource for medical students, residents, fellows, and young attendings.

  • Practical Tips in Aortic Surgery: Clinical and Technical Insights

    John A. Elefteriades

    91,000 89,000won

    This textbook provides practical tips on the conduct of aortic surgery, from the aortic valve to the iliac arteries. It is organized as a series of Plates, each with a key central illustration, followed by bullet items of accompanying explanatory text. The accompanying text concentrates on specific, critical “do’s and don’ts” that promote and enhance patient safety. Chapters include dozens of color illustrations by one of the nation’s premier medical illustrators, along with selected classic “pen and ink” line drawings. Each central illustration is accompanied by additional secondary figures interspersed at intervals within the accompanying text. Each “practical tip” has an accompanying short (15-30 second) video demonstrating vividly the specific didactic point being made in each Plate. Chapters provide Q&A sections, to promote an interactive feel and experience. The textbook shares practical, potentially life-saving tips―gleaned from over three decades of experience in thousands of aortic operations―regarding virtually every standard operation that arises in aortic surgery.

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting an Integrative Review

    Coleen E. Toronto

    56,000 54,000won

    This book provides guidance to readers for how to conduct an integrative review. Over the decades, with the expansion of evidence-based practice (EBP), the evolution of methods used in reviews has resulted in a wide spectrum of review types. Due to the overlapping characteristics of the various review methods, confusion exists related to terminology, descriptions and methods of each type. To fill this gap, this book examines components necessary to conduct a rigorous integrative review from formulating questions through dissemination of the results of the review. Each chapter focuses on one component or step in this process and is written in a straightforward and readable manner. An integrative review is considered by many as an actual research study, hence it should be approached following established research methods involving well‐defined steps. The integrative review is often compared with the systematic review. Both are used in healthcare research and follow a systematic process in reviewing literature and developing recommendations, but there are important differences that are addressed in the book. Evidence-based practice (EBP) demands high quality, rigorous evidence for nurse clinicians to make informed decisions with and for their patients. In nursing education, the integrative review is a frequent capstone project for graduate students and forms the basis for many doctoral projects. The Integrative review process should be valid, reliable and transparent and this book provides clear guidelines for writing an integrative review for students, educators, clinicians, and researchers. This book is a useful addition to courses for both undergraduate and graduate level writers of integrative reviews. In academia, a likely adoption would be in graduate research and research methods courses, and baccalaureate honor courses.

  • Fluoroquinolone-Associated Disability (FQAD) - Pathogenesis, Diagnostics, Therapy and Diagnostic Cri

    Stefan Pieper

    35,000 34,000won

    In this book, Stefan Pieper supports doctors and therapists in easily diagnosing FQAD and in better and more adequately dealing with FQAD patients. Fluoroquinolones, as one of the most common and effective groups of antibiotics, are known to have a distinct spectrum of side effects. These adverse effects are rare in percentage terms, but frequent in absolute numbers due to the enormous quantities of prescriptions. Because they are usually quite severe and wide-ranging, they tend to run like a syndrome and have been classified by the FDA as a separate condition, the FQAD, because of their frequency, severity and risk of disability. This book presents for the first time a comprehensive description and classification of the clinical picture and a proposal for a clinical diagnostic tool based on diagnostic criteria.

  • Endoscopy in Early Gastrointestinal Cancers, Volume 2: Treatment

    Philip W. Y. Chiu

    119,000 116,000won

    Carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract remained a major health issue worldwide, which is, however notoriously difficult to treat. Endoscopic resection for early neoplasia of the gastrointestinal tract had been developed for more than 25 years. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a recently developed technique pioneer by Japanese endoscopists. The principle of ESD is to achieve a complete resection of gastrointestinal neoplasia limited to mucosa with adequate circumferential margins. This novel endoscopic technique not only allows the achievement of en-bloc resection for early GI cancers, it also conveys a significantly lower rate of local recurrence as compared to EMR for early gastric cancers. There is an urge for the knowledge in applying these novel technologies for the treatment of early GI neoplasia worldwide. This book on the endoscopic treatment of early GI neoplasia, containing lots of illustrations, artwork and numerous short video clips, serves as a bridge between the recent development in endoscopy and the knowledge of gastroenterologist, endoscopist and surgeons.

  • The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery, 4/e

    Scott R. Steele

    196,000 192,000won

    This book serves as a valuable resource for surgeons and health care providers at all stages of their career caring for patients with colorectal disease. This edition provides all newly written chapters, organized around the “pillars” of colorectal disease: perioperative (including endoscopy); anorectal disease; benign disease (including inflammatory bowel disease); malignancy; pelvic floor disorders; and a “miscellaneous” section that covers aspects both inside and beyond the operating room. Chapters are formatted to follow that of a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide to allow the reader to understand the thought process behind a proposed treatment strategy. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter includes not only background information and diagnostic/therapeutic guidelines, but also provides operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that are utilized in the management of these complex surgical challenges. Chapters also include the assessment of risk and methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, the book incorporates sections covering the medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease. Written by experts in the field from around the world, The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery 4th Edition exposes the many critical gaps in our knowledge base and inspires the next generation to answer them through thoughtful and high level scientific inquiry.

  • Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual, 5/e

    Lee J. Skandalakis

    105,000 102,000won

    This book continues the tradition of providing a concise, accessible, and generously illustrated refresher for both novice and experienced clinicians. It contains thoroughly revised chapters and dozens of new richly colored illustrations, which make it much easier to follow the technique and better appreciate the anatomy. This fifth edition now includes robotic techniques for each relevant chapter. All the existing chapters have been updated to reflect current surgical approaches and instrumentation as well as a section on anatomical complications. Three new chapters on sports hernia, ablative techniques for venous disease, and on the kidney and ureter have also been added to help surgeons learn more about these structures. The fifth edition of Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual provides the gold standard in correlating clear, practical anatomy with the correct technique in the pursuit of the best possible patient outcomes and remains a "must have" for every resident and general surgeon.

  • Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy: Principles and Practices

    Diana Noland

    238,000 233,000won

    This textbook is a practical guide to the application of the philosophy and principles of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) in the practice of medicine, and the key role nutrition plays in restoring and maintaining wellness. The textbook provides an overview of recent reviews and studies of physiological and biochemical contributions to IFMNT and address nutritional influences in human heath overall, including poor nutrition, genomics, environmental toxicant exposures, fractured human interactions, limited physical movement, stress, sleep deprivation, and other lifestyle factors. Ultimately, this textbook serves to help practitioners, healthcare systems, and policy makers better understand this different and novel approach to complex chronic disorders. It provides the reader with real world examples of applications of the underlying principles and practices of integrative/functional nutrition therapies and presents the most up-to-date intervention strategies and clinical tools to help the reader keep abreast of developments in this emerging specialty field. Many chapters include comprehensive coverage of the topic and clinical applications with supplementary learning features such as case studies, take-home messages, patient and practitioner handouts, algorithms, and suggested readings.

  • COVID-19, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

    Michelle Ng Gong

    111,000 106,000won

    In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editors Drs. Michelle Ng Gong and Gregory S. Martin bring their considerable expertise to the topic of COVID-19. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as ECMO in COVID-19, neurologic manifestations and sequelae in COVID-19, pediatric COVID-19, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory therapeutics in COVID-19, the critical care surge during COVID-19 and lessons for the future, and more.

  • Heart Failure and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics

    Nicole Jones

    69,000 66,000won

    In this issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics, guest editor and Heart Failure and Valve Coordinator Nicole Jones, APRN, CNS, brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Heart Failure and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Critical care nurses are vital to improving patient outcomes and the delivery of quality care in patients with heart failure, including recent emphases on the in-patient admission, faster diagnosis of acute or decompensated heart failure, in-patient management in an appropriate care environment, and planned discharge. In this issue, top experts in the field provide current updates in both the clinical care of the heart failure patient as well as nursing interventions to improve outcomes.

  • CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2022, 61e

    Maxine Papadakis, Stephen McPhee, Michael Rabow, Kenneth McQuaid

    120,000 108,000won

  • Color Atlas of Laparoscopic Liver Resection

    Ho-Seong Han

    395,000 380,000won

    This atlas describes and illustrates in detail the surgical procedures employed in laparoscopic anatomical liver resection, according to tumor location. The surgical approach and techniques are explained for each type of laparoscopic liver resection based on the involved anatomical segment, section, and hemi-liver. Attention is also drawn to potential complications and the means of preventing and managing them. Beyond anatomical liver resection, guidance is provided on non-anatomical resections that do not pay regard to segmental, sectional, or lobar anatomy. The coverage is completed by the inclusion of useful information on instruments and energy devices as well as the basic skills required for laparoscopic liver resection. In presenting a clear practical approach to each laparoscopic anatomical major and minor resection, the Color Atlas of Laparoscopic Liver Resection will be an invaluable guide for trainees. In addition, it will equip more experienced surgeons with much useful information that will enable them to further improve their technique.

  • 실전 기계환기법

    서울아산병원 중환자진료팀 고윤석 외

    30,000 28,500won