군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medici... Dennis L. Kasper ,Anthony S. Fauci ,Stephen L. Hauser , Dan L. Longo,J. Larry Jameson 380,000 190,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
기초의학677의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Prostate Biopsy Interpretation: An Illustrated Guide, 2/e


    Rajal B. Shah

    192,000 173,000won

    This book retains the core contents of the successful first edition and covers all the practical issues related to prostate biopsy diagnosis in day-to-day practice. It uses abundant algorithms, flow charts, and tables to simulate a pathologist’s thought process and assist decision making during evaluation of prostate biopsies. Chapters address the most effective ways to evaluate a prostate biopsy and how to formulate a diagnostic approach upon encountering a specific clinical problem. Pertinent new information is incorporated in all chapters, particularly in how novel diagnostic tools such as MRI and genomic tests may affect prostate biopsy practice and diagnosis. An entirely new chapter on pattern-based approaches to prostate biopsy interpretation has been added.

  • A Concise Guide to Nuclear Medicine, 2/e


    Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar

    122,000 110,000won

    This book, now in an extensively revised second edition, summarizes the basic principles of nuclear medicine and describes the clinical applications of commonly used nuclear medicine procedures and techniques. Readers will find clear explanation of clinical indications, the pathophysiological basis of functional procedures, and the complementary role of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging in relation to diagnostic radiology. Throughout, emphasis is placed on the added diagnostic value offered by the new hybrid imaging modalities. The various therapeutic applications of nuclear medicine are also discussed. Compared with the first edition, technical details have been significantly simplified. The book will be an ideal introduction to nuclear medicine for medical students and will serve as an excellent quick reference for referring physicians, enabling them to utilize this modern medical specialty more efficiently.

  • Herpes Simplex Virus: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology), 2/e


    Russell J. Diefenbach

    248,000 223,000won

    This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with a discussion of new and updated methods used to study the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), along with a look at the latest developing technologies such as next generation sequencing, CRISPR/Cas9 engineering, and the use of BioID to identify protein-protein interactions. Chapters cover topics such as the biology, life cycle, and current state of antiviral and vaccine development for HSV-1; protocols on growing viruses in cell culture and manipulating viral DNA; design and application of HSV-1 vectors for cancer- and gene-therapy; and structural analyses, microscopy, proteomics, and testing of antivirals. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

  • Radiopharmaceuticals: A Guide to PET/CT and PET/MRI, 2/e


    Ferdinando Calabria

    178,000 160,000won

    This book provides a rapid and concise guide to PET (PET/CT and PET/MRI) molecular imaging, concentrating extensive information on PET radiopharmaceuticals in a single volume. The book reflects the rapid development of several PET tracers over the last decade, as a result of which the “traditional” PET/CT with 18F-FDG, the “cornerstone” of PET imaging, is now only one of several available options, which use different tracers for different diseases. For the same reason, PET imaging is no longer limited to the field of oncology.

  • Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, 6e

    Grant S. Fletcher MD, MPH

    80,000 72,000won

  • ACSM`s Clinical Exercise Physiology,1 e

    American College of Sports Medicine

    150,000 135,000won

  • Cancer Immunology: A Translational Medicine Context, 2/e

    Nima Rezaei

    290,000 261,000won

    This book focusing on the immunopathology of cancers is published as part of the three-volume Springer series Cancer Immunology, which aims to provide an up-to-date, clinically relevant review of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Readers will find detailed descriptions of the interactions between cancerous cells and various components of the innate and adaptive immune system. The principal focus, however, is very much on clinical aspects, the aim being to educate clinicians in the clinical implications of the latest research and novel developments in the field.

  • Histopathology Reporting: Guidelines for Surgical Cancer


    David P. Boyle

    192,000 173,000won

    This book is an easily comprehensible and practicable framework for standardised histopathology reports in surgical cancer. The pathological features of the common carcinomas are detailed and non-carcinomatous malignancies are also summarised. 8th edition TNM and WHO classifications of cancers are incorporated, with comments on any associated pathology, diagnostic clues and prognostic criteria supplemented visually by line diagrams.

  • 죽음을 부르는 약


    16,000 15,200won

    인간의 신체는 정제된 공간을 유지하기 위해 정교한 시스템을 갖추고 있다. 즉, 신체에 해로운 물질이 유입되면 이를 제거하는 간과 신장을 가지고 있다. 물론 독버섯이나 비소 같은 독약이 몸에 해롭다는 사실을 인간은 지구상에 존재한 이 후 경험적으로 알고 있다. 그래서 이런 독약을 먹지 못하도록 교육받아 왔다. 그렇지만 치료약으로 투약된 약(medicine)도 독약이 될 수 있다는 사실도 우리는 알아야 한다. 즉, 투약된 약이 간과 신장에서 원활히 제거되지 못하고 신체에 쌓이게 되면 정제된 공간의 균형이 깨져서 독약이 됨을 알아야 한다. 이 책은 실제 현장에서 일어난 일이 기술되어 있어서 약(medicine)의 위험성을 체감하기에 유익하다. 이 책의 저자인 닥터 우는 임상 화학의 권위자로 수많은 법정 다툼의 증인으로 참여했었다. 그리고 그 사건들 중 일부가 이 책으로 소개되어 있다. 이 책이 진통제를 과다 복용 중인 만성통증 환자들에게, 의료계통에 종사하는 의 료인들에게, 의료인을 꿈꾸는 청소년들에게, 신체에 호기심 있는 사람들에게 좋은 교훈이 될 수 있기를 소망해본다.

  • Cardiac Electrophysiology: Clinical Case Review, 2/e


    Andrea Natale

    206,000 185,000won

    While there are many outstanding resources providing in-depth review of electrophysiology topics, this extensively updated book is one of the few case-based books that comprehensively cover clinical electrophysiology, devices and ablation. Case review offers a simple, yet effective way in teaching important concepts, offering insight into both the basic pathophysiology of a problem as well as the clinical reasoning that leads to a solution. As the field of cardiac electrophysiology evolves, the challenge remains to educate new generations of cardiac electrophysiologists with the basics as well as the latest advances in the field.

  • Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice, 7e


    Robert Beardsley

    90,000 81,000won

  • Foye`s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 8e


    Victoria, PhD F. Roche PhD, S. William, PhD Zito PhD, Thomas Lemke Ph.D., David A. Williams

    150,000 135,000won

  • Rowland and Tozer`s Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, 5e


    Hartmut Derendorf Ph.D., Stephan Schmidt Ph.D

    130,000 117,000won

  • Professional Guide to Pathophysiology, 4e


    Laura Willis MSN, APRN, FNP-C, DNPs

    80,000 72,000won

  • Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 5e


    Helmut G. Rennke MD, Bradley M. Denker MD

    80,000 72,000won

  • Histology for Pathologists, 5e


    Stacey Mills

    390,000 351,000won

  • Atlas of Liver Pathology: A Pattern-Based Approach, 1e


    Michael Torbenson MD

    340,000 306,000won

  • The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3e (IE)


    John D. Pfeifer MD, PhD, Louis P. Dehner MD, Peter A. Humphrey MD, PhD

    110,000 99,000won

  • Atlas of Cytopathology: A Pattern Based Approach, 1e


    Christopher J VandenBussche MD, PhD, Erika F. Rodriguez MD, PhD, Derek B. Allison MD, M. Lisa Zhang MD

    340,000 306,000won