군자출판사 추천도서
  • 산부인과학 지침과 개요 5판 대한산부인과학회 48,000 45,600won
  • 부인과학 6판 대한산부인과학회 150,000 142,500won
  • 부인종양학 2판 대한부인종양학회 120,000 114,000won
  • 산과학 6판 대한산부인과학회 150,000 142,500won
  • MFICU 매뉴얼 3판 일본주산기의료(MFICU)연락협의회 60,000 57,000won
산부인과210의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, 6/e

    Karen Wambach

    175,000 157,500won

    Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Sixth Edition is the ultimate reference for the latest clinical techniques and research findings that direct evidence-based clinical practice and research for lactation consultants and specialists. It contains everything a nurse, lactation consultant, midwife, women’s health nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or Ob/Gyn needs to know about lactation care and science. Topics include placing breastfeeding in its historical context, workplace-related issues, anatomical and biological imperatives of lactation, the prenatal and perinatal periods and concerns during the postpartum period, the mother’s health, sociocultural issues, and more vital information.

  • The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls, 1e


    Guy I. Benrubi MD

    210,000 189,000won

  • GABBE`S Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 8/e


    Mark B Landon MD

    260,000 230,000won

    Highly readable, well-illustrated, and easy to understand, Gabbe’s Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies is an ideal day-to-day reference or study tool for residents and clinicians. This 8th Edition of this bestselling text offers fast access to evidence-based, comprehensive information, now fully revised with substantial content updates, new and improved illustrations, and a new, international editorial team that continues the tradition of excellence established by Dr. Steven Gabbe.

  • In Vitro Fertilization: A Textbook of Current and Emerging Methods and Devices, 2/e


    Zsolt Peter Nagy

    206,000 185,000won

    Now in its revised and expanded second edition - including over 20 new chapters - this comprehensive textbook remains a unique and accessible description of the current and developing diagnostic and treatment techniques and technologies comprising in vitro fertilization (IVF). Arranged thematically in sections, each chapter covers a key topic in IVF in a sensible presentation. Parts one and two describe the planning, design and organization of an ART unit and IVF laboratory and equipment and systems, respectively. The sections that follow provide detailed descriptions of IVF techniques, embryo culture methods, sperm processing and selection, insemination procedures, micromanipulation, embryo evaluation, cryopreservation, and embryo transfer. Concluding sections address issues of management and regulation of ART labs across the globe, as well as special topics and emerging techniques and devices. Chapter authors, all experts in the field, contribute their expertise from around the world.

  • 다낭성 난소증후군 [2020 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정!]

    최영민 외 Korean PCOS Forum

    30,000 28,500won

    본 저서는 <다낭성 난소증후군> 질환에 관한 내용으로, 다낭성 난소증후군은 가임기 여성의 약 10%에서 발생하는, 이 시기 여성의 가장 흔한 내분비질환이다. 다낭성 난소증후군은 여성에서 남성호르몬이 과다 분비되어 배란에 장애가 일어나는 것이 핵심 기전이며 이로 인해 본 증후군을 가진 여성은 월경장애를 주 증상으로 병원을 방문하게 된다. 가임기 여성에서 월경장애가 주 증상이므로 다낭성 난소증후군은 현재 국가적으로 문제가 되고 있는 저출산, 불임의 가장 중요한 원인 중 하나로 부각된 상황이다.

  • Women’s Health Movements: A Global Force for Change, 2/e


    Meredeth Turshen

    206,000 185,000won

    This book follows the implications of the changing landscape for women’s health and health care and their sexual and reproductive rights. In the latest national and international health policy developments, we are witnessing the effects of a series of concerted conservative attacks on women. Facing this onslaught, women’s health movements are using the new technologies of the Internet and social media and finding other novel ways to advance their rights and protest against attempts to roll back the gains they made in the last four decades. Detailed country case studies and discussions of topics ranging from violence against women, disability, and birth control, as well as abundant examples of women’s activism from all over the world make this account of women’s health movements a lively, informative, and compelling read.

  • Emans, Laufer, Goldstein`s Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 7e


    S. Jean Emans MD, Marc R. Laufer MD, Amy DiVasta

    160,000 144,000won

  • Te Linde`s Operative Gynecology, 12e


    Victoria L Handa MD, Linda Van Le MD

    230,000 207,000won

  • Speroff & Darney’s Clinical Guide to Contraception, 6e


    Jeffrey T. Jensen , Mitchell D. Creinin

    120,000 108,000won

  • Before We Are Born, 10e


    Keith L. Moore, BA, MSc, PhD, DSc, FIAC, FRSM, FAAA, T. V. N. Persaud, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCPath (Lond.), FAAA and Mark G. Torchia, MSc, PhD

    85,000 76,500won

  • Munro Kerr`s Operative Obstetrics, 13e


    Sabaratnam Arulkumaran and Michael Robson, MD

    130,000 117,000won

  • Midwifery Essentials: Medical Conditions: Volume 8, 1e


    Helen Baston, BA(Hons), MMedSci, PhD, PGDipEd, ADM, RN, RM, Jennifer Hall, EdD MSc RN RM ADM PGDip(HE) SFHEA FRCM and Jayne Samples, DM, MSc, BSc (Hon

    20,000 18,000won

  • Midwifery Essentials: Public Health: Volume 7, 1e


    Joyce Marshall, RN, RM, BSc (Hons), MPH, PhD, PGCAP, FHEA, Helen Baston, BA(Hons), MMedSci, PhD, PGDipEd, ADM, RN, RM and Jennifer Hall, EdD MSc RN RM

    20,000 18,000won

  • Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, 11e


    Gerald G Briggs, Roger K. Freeman MD, Craig V Towers, Alicia B. Forinash

    132,000 118,000won

  • 산과학 6판


    150,000 142,500won

    대한산부인과학회에서 산과학 제5판이 출간된 지도 벌써 5년이 지났습니다. 그동안 모체태아의학 분야도 급속한 발전과 새로운 연구결과들이 많이 축적되었고, 영역도 확장됨에 따라 보다 넓어진 새로운 분야에 대한 지식의 정리가 필요하게 되었습니다. 이에 대한산부인과학회 제23대 김승철 이사장을 비롯한 집행부에서는 개정판에 대한 필요성과 함께 출간을 재임기간동안에 완성하기로 결정하였고 이에 따라 2019년 2월에 ‘산과학 제6판’ 편집간행위원회가 구성되어 원고제출 및 4차에 걸친 수정작업이 순조롭게 진행되어 2019년 대한산부인과학회 제105차 학술대회 이전에 출간할 수 있게 되었습니다.

  • Speroff`s Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility, 9e


    Taylor MD, Hugh S, Pal MD MBBS MRCOG MS, Lubna, Sell MD, Emre

    345,000 315,000won

  • 산부인과 전문의 시험(SET)


    240,000 228,000won

    부인과를 처음 선택할 때 전공의 수가 부족하여 힘들 것이라고 이미 예상했지만, 실제 전공의 생활은 그 이상으로 힘들었던 것 같습니다. 잦은 당직과 많은 분만으로 잠이 부족하여 쌓이는 피로와 정신적 스트레스는 이루 말할 수 없었습니다. 전문의 시험을 준비하는 많은 산부인과 전공의 선생님들께서도 일을 통해 얻는 보람만으로는 상쇄되지 않는 여러 고민을 겪으셨으리라 생각합니다. 수련의 끝자락이 되어 전문의 시험 준비를 시작하면서 당연히 합격하는 시험이라 생각하지만, 막상 공부를 시작하면 방대한 양에 걱정이 앞서게 됩니다. 시험 준비를 위해 많은 책을 보게 되지만, 가장 중요한 기출 문제에 대해서 정확한 해설과 최신화된 내용으로 업데이트 되어 있는 참고서가 부족했던 것이 사실입니다. 전문의 시험을 준비하는 짧은 시간 동안‘산부인과 전문의 시험 Final Check와 Final Test’를 통해 방대한 산부인과 내용들 중 중요한 것이 무엇인지를 쉽게 찾고, 레퍼런스를 확인하는 시간을 줄여 효율적인 준비를 할 수 있도록 이 책이 도움 되었으면 합니다.

  • Fetal Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Practice, 3/e

    Pandya BSC MD FRCOG, Pranav P

    260,000 234,000won

    Covering pertinent basic science and offering today’s most authoritative guidance on clinical management, Fetal Medicine, 3rd Edition, is a must-have resource for obstetricians and other healthcare professionals involved in care of the fetus. An international team of expert contributors delivers the knowledge and background you need to effectively diagnose and treat fetal disorders – everything from prenatal screening and diagnostic tests to common and rare prenatal conditions, early pregnancy loss, ethical issues, and much more.

  • Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient

    Ferrando MD MPH, Cecile A

    130,000 117,000won

    From a renowned specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and medical and surgical experts in this growing field comes an up-to-date, multidisciplinary resource on transgender health care and surgery. Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient, by Dr. Cecile Ferrando, covers all aspects of transgender health care, beginning with epidemiology and history and progressing to an in-depth review of the complex transition for patients, including mental health services, endocrine and hormone therapy treatment, and surgical options.