군자출판사 추천도서
  • 한국전문소생술 4판 대한심폐소생협회 10,000 9,500won
  • 내 몸을 살리는 보완·대체요... 정옥민 25,000 23,750won
  • 심폐소생술과 전문 심장소생... 황성오, 임경수 45,000 42,750won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 호신술의 과학 고영정 17,000 16,150won
보건의료486의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Population Health: Creating a Culture of Wellness, 3/e

    David B. Nash

    120,000 108,000won

    Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the field of population health has evolved and matured considerably. Improving quality and health outcomes along with lowering costs has become an ongoing focus in delivery of health care.

  • Principles of Palliative and End of Life Care for Paramedics

    Tania Blackmore

    54,000 48,600won

    Paramedics are often the first port of call for those requiring emergency medical attention and, as such, they frequently encounter patients who are receiving palliative or end of life care. But as professionals whose training focuses on how to save a life, how can they best deal with patients who are approaching the end of theirs? In this situation, paramedics often need to make the difficult decision as to whether it is appropriate to transfer their patient to hospital, a decision which can have a significant impact not only on the patient and their family, but also on the paramedic themselves. This means that it is vital for paramedics to have an understanding of palliative and end of life care.

  • Informatics for Health Professionals, 2/e

    Kathleen Mastrian

    141,000 126,900won

    Informatics for Health Professionals is an excellent resource to provide healthcare students and professionals with the foundational knowledge to integrate informatics principles into practice. The theoretical underpinning of this text is the Foundation of Knowledge model, which explains how informatics relates to knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and feedback. Once readers understand informatics and the way in which it supports practice, education, administration, and research, they can apply these principles to improve patient care at all levels.

  • Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning, 4/e

    Jacqueline Rhoads

    147,000 132,300won

    Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning, Fourth Edition covers the diagnostic reasoning process that providers must follow when assessing an actual case. The text outlines each step of the health assessment process and further demonstrates the link between health history and physical examination. It also provides the healthcare professional with the essential data needed to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan.

  • Essentials of Managing Public Health Organizations

    James A. Johnson

    121,000 108,900won

    Written for undergraduate students in public health, community health, and a range of other health disciplines, as well as beginning managers and supervisors working in public health, Essentials of Managing Public Health Organizations is a concise, yet comprehensive text that uniquely focuses on managing public health organizations by addressing key management topics, processes, and emerging issues.

  • Health Policy Management: A Case Approach

    Rachel Ellison

    123,000 110,700won

    Health Policy Management: A Case Study Approach provides nursing students the foundation for understanding the basics of health policy. Each chapter begins with a narrative overview by introducing a unique topic which is covered through the chapter. Three case studies written by healthcare professionals. This collection of case studies is interdisciplinary-focused and have been curated from both nurses and healthcare professionals making this a truly comprehensive teaching resource.

  • PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders Course Manual, 2/e

    National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

    55,000 49,500won

    In the field, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders, Second Edition teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASC-COT), PHTLS for First Responders, Second Edition reflects current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and promotes critical-thinking as the foundation for providing quality care.

  • Tarascon Adult Emergency Pocketbook, 6/e

    Richard J. Hamilton MD FAAEM FACMT FACEP, Editor in Chief

    36,000 35,100won

    The ultimate portable reference for the busy emergency physician or internist! Updated to keep pace with changes in the field, the sixth edition of Tarascon Adult Emergency Pocketbook is designed as the go-to portable reference for busy emergency physicians and internists. This concise, easy-to-navigate pocket guide is packed with essential lists, figures, and tables providing instant reminders of difficult-to-remember yet vitally important clinical information. The Tarascon Adult Emergency Pocketbook, Sixth Edition is meticulously referenced and provides expert commentary on current academic controversies within the field. Convenient reference sections include dysrhythmia protocols, emergency drug infusions, antibiotic therapy, rapid-sequence intubation, toxicology, trauma care, burn care, and much more.

  • 바디마인드센터링 입문

    린다 하틀리(Linda Hartley)

    28,000 26,600won

    바디마인드센터링은 보니 베인브릿지 코헨이 개발한 기법으로 소마틱스 분야의 훌륭한 접근법 중 하나이다. 하지만 어떤 훌륭한 접근법도 단 하나의 영역에 가둘 수는 없다. 바디마인드센터링을 소마틱스 영역의 일개 기법이라고 규정짓기에는 다루는 영역이 실로 광범위하다. 저자가 서문에서 밝히고 있듯, 바디마인드센터링은 서양 문화에서 쉽게 나오기 힘든 접근법임에 틀림이 없다. 그만큼 동서고금 수련에 대한 통합을 다루고 있는 책이다. 여기서 다룬 기법들 은, 그렇기 때문에 몸과 마음, 그리고 에너지의 관계를 탐구하는 모든 종류의 기법과 학문에 그 기본 원리와 방법론을 응용해 적용할 수 있다.

  • PHTLS : 병원 전 외상소생술 2판


    National Association of Emergency Medical Treatment

    75,000 71,250won

    병원 전 단계의 응급처치는 개인 또는 팀으로 이루어지는 특수분야로 변화하였습니다. 병원 전 단계에서의 응급처치 제공자는 현장에서 상해 또는 질병에 의한 환자의 손상과 사망을 예방하고, 통증을 경감시킬 수 있도록 구조 및 응급처치를 효율적으로 제공해야 합니다. 그리고 생명을 살릴 수 있도록 그 분야의 전문지식 및 술기 그리고 태도를 갖추어야 합니다. 병원 전 단계의 응급처치 제공자는 열악한 환경에서도 직업의식과 책임감을 느끼고 직무에 임해야 합니다.

  • 근치음식

    赖宇凡(Sara Lye)

    18,000 17,100won

    처음 유튜브를 통해 근치음식에 대한 설명을 듣고 나서, 재작년 친정집인 타이완에 갔을 때, 상세하고 알기 쉽고 실행하기 쉬운 이 책을 구입했습니다. 赖宇凡의 가르침에 따라 음 식을 조절하였는데, 놀랍게도 한 달도 되지 않아서 수십 년 동안의 고질병인 전신 신경통과 갱년기 증상이 많이 완화되었습니다. 기쁨과 감사의 마음을 이루 말로 형언할 수 없었습니 다. 음식을 근치한 지 몇 달 뒤, 모든 사람들은 내게 더 젊고 예뻐졌다고 했습니다. 환갑날 아들은 40대의 엄마는 60대처럼 보였는데, 지금은 40대처럼 보인다고 말했습니다. “최고의 의사는 자신의 몸이고, 최고의 병원은 부엌이고, 최고의 약은 음식이다”라는 중국 속담이 있습니다.

  • Resolving Ethical Dilemmas, 6e


    Bernard Lo MD

    100,000 90,000won

  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice, 3e


    Jessica Shank Coviello DNP, APRN, ANP-BC

    110,000 99,000won

  • Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice, 7e


    Robert Beardsley

    90,000 81,000won

  • The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult, 2e


    Millicent King Channell D.O., David C. Mason D.O.

    100,000 90,000won

  • Fleisher & Ludwig`s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, 2e


    Robert J. Hoffman MD, MS, Vincent J. Wang MD, MHA, Richard J. Scarfone MD, Sandip A. Godambe MD, PhD, MBA, Joshua Nagler MD, MHPEd

    170,000 153,000won

  • Rosen & Barkin`s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult, 6e


    Jeffrey J. Schaider MD, Stephen R. Hayden MD, Richard E. Wolfe MD, Adam Z. Barkin MD, Philip Shayne MD, Rosen Peter , Roger M. Barkin MD

    150,000 135,000won

  • Lippincott Atlas of Anatomy, 2e


    Thomas R Gest

    110,000 99,000won

  • BRS Neuroanatomy, 6e


    Dr. Douglas J. Gould PhD

    80,000 72,000won