군자출판사 추천도서
  • 2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파... 심정은, 김묘연, 최성희, 장효열, 류정림, 김향하, 박선영 50,000 47,500won
  • 정신건강간호학 개정판 Norman L. Keltner, Debbie Steele 60,000 57,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에... Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에... Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
간호학643의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 9e


    Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN FAAN (Author), Angela Elizabeth Silvestri PhD APRN FNP-BC CNE (Author)

    102,000 97,000won

  • 가정방문간호사를 위한 실무지침서

    김숙희 외 14인

    40,000 38,000won

    가정에서의 간호행위에 방향성을 제시하여 표준화할 수 있는 지침을 담은 <가정방문간호사를 위한 실무지침서>가 출간되었다. <가정방문간호사를 위한 실무지침서>는 시대적인 흐름을 반영하여 가정으로 방문하는 간호의 현장에서 간호사들에게 도움이 될 수 있도록 만성질환 관리 등의 건강관리부터 전문 간호에 이르기까지 실무의 지침이 되는 내용으로 구성하여 집필하였다. 본서는 총 11장으로 구성하여 가정으로 방문하는 간호사들의 이해를 돕기 위해 장별로 발생 가능한 문제, 대상자 교육내용, 간호 수행 시 필요한 팁까지 포함하여 기술하였다. 또한 예비 가정전문간호사에게는 국가고시 출제 분야와 출제영역을 반영하여 새로운 지식을 익히고 시험에 대비할 수 있도록 구성하였다. 본서, <가정방문간호사를 위한 실무지침서>는 가정으로 방문하는 간호사와 가정전문간호사의 간호 실무 향상 및 새로운 지식 습득에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

  • Neuroscience for Dentistry

    Barbara O''''Kane

    126,000 124,000won

    Understanding neural mechanisms that control orofacial pain, proper masticatory function, taste, speech, swallowing, and proprioceptive input to the temporomandibular joint and teeth is an important facet of dentistry. Neuroscience of Dentistry by renowned educators Barbara J. O''''Kane and Laura C. Barritt provides foundational knowledge on these topics. The text integrates fundamental concepts of general neuroscience with vital information on neural mechanisms of the orofacial region and associated pain pathways. The book is organized in two parts covering basic neuroscience and orofacial neuroscience. Part one is subdivided into four units on the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord gross anatomy, sensory systems, and motor systems. Part two features three units focused on orofacial structures and tissues, dental structures, and orofacial pain and anesthesia. Each generously illustrated, succinctly written, and consistently formatted chapter includes an introductory overview and learning objectives.

  • Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 4/e

    David Katz

    108,000 97,000won

    Designed for busy clinicians struggling to fit the critical issue of nutrition into their routine patient encounters, Nutrition in Clinical Practice translates the robust evidence base underlying nutrition in health and disease into actionable, evidence-based clinical guidance on a comprehensive array of nutrition topics. Authoritative, thoroughly referenced, and fully updated, the revised 4th edition covers the full scope of nutrition applications in clinical practice, spanning health promotion, risk factor modification, prevention, chronic disease management, and weight control – with a special emphasis on providing concisely summarized action steps within the clinical workflow.

  • Advancing Nursing Practice: Exploring Roles and Opportunities for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders

    Dr. Carolyn Hart

    99,000 89,000won

    Make sure your students get a good grasp of how to apply what they learn in the classroom to the real world of advanced practice nursing. Advancing Nursing Practice: Exploring Roles and Opportunities for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders eases them into the world of professional practice, discussing what it means to be successful in clinical roles such as a CRNA, CNM, CNS, or NP/DNP. But it doesn’t just cover clinical roles—students will discover how they can use their practice in nursing education and administration. This practical guide helps you focus students’ attention on the topics that matter most: core competencies aligned to AACN essential competencies, best practices, reimbursement, and what it means to be a leader. In addition to a clear and conversational writing style—well-suited to the quick absorption of material—this brand-new textbook features videos, numerous illustrations, and, more importantly, interviews with real-life advanced practice nurses. Readers will get a clearer picture of what it’s like day to day interacting with patients and their families, physicians and other healthcare practitioners, and management.

  • Leddy & Pepper`s Professional Nursing, International Edition, 10/e

    Lucy Hood PhD RN

    102,000 91,000won

    Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing, 10th Edition provides an easy to read, highly practical, broad overview of the nursing profession, addressing philosophical, developmental, sociocultural, environmental, political, health care delivery, and leadership issues vital for career enhancement—for both pre- and post-licensure nursing students. This reliable, visually engaging text details professional nursing roles and client care issues and delivers strategies for managing the emotional and ethical dimensions of professional practice, encouraging students to think globally about nursing practice and equipping them with a conceptual and theoretical approach to patient care and professional nursing issues. The updated 10th Edition reflects the latest developments in professional nursing, as well as recent changes in general health care that may impact clinical nursing practice. This edition also features a robust ancillary package featuring videos, critical thinking questions, and other interactive resources perfect for engaging today’s learners and ensuring preparation for clinical success.

  • Dermatology for Advanced Practice Clinicians: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management, 2/e

    Margaret Bobonich

    120,000 108,000won

    The newly updated, abundantly illustrated Dermatology for Advanced Practice Clinicians: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment, 2nd Edition is your comprehensive, evidence-based guide to accurate and successful assessment, diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. Focusing on the most common and most serious skin conditions, this expertly written guide offers essential dermatology knowledge for managing a broad range of conditions, while addressing all topics needed for certification exam study. With expert guidance on treating infections, lesions, wound care, inflammation, and more, this is the ideal foundation for both new and experienced advanced practice clinicians.

  • Fischbach`s A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 11/e

    Frances Talaska Fischbach RN BSN MSN

    88,000 79,000won

    The perfect point-of-care guide for nurses and health professionals caring for patients undergoing diagnostic tests and procedures, Fischbach’s A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition, provides an essential foundation for safe, effective, informed nursing practice. This proven, comprehensive manual is organized the way a nurse thinks — by specimen, function, and test type — describing an extensive array of tests for diverse populations and delivering step-by-step guidance on correct procedures, tips for accurate interpretation, and expert information on patient preparation and aftercare. Extensively updated and easy to navigate, the 11th Edition clarifies the role today’s healthcare providers play in quality care planning, individualized patient assessment, analysis of patient needs, interventions, patient education, patient follow-up, and outcome evaluation. This unique resource also alerts users to potential risks and complications, interfering factors, and more to ensure the most confident, competent application in clinical settings.

  • Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice: A Practical Approach

    Virginia Poole Arcangelo PhD CRNP

    173,000 155,000won

    Anchored in pharmacology and the principles of therapeutics, and written by experts in the field, this is your road map to effective drug therapies. Learn to correctly identify a disorder, review the drugs used to treat it, and select the optimal therapy. With expert direction on more than 50 common disorders, this is the ideal resource for advanced practice clinicians and students learning pharmacotherapeutics, and a go-to reference for experienced clinicians.

  • Study Guide to Accompany Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, 12/e

    Susan M Ford

    54,000 48,000won

    Help students make the most of the unparalleled clinical pharmacology foundation established in Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, 12th Edition, with this engaging Study Guide. Featuring a wide range of learning tools, this practical companion resource delivers the review and practice opportunities students need to reinforce their knowledge and confidently prepare for the NCLEX®. This revised edition is updated throughout to reflect the latest clinical practices and perspectives presented in the textbook and integrates a wealth of approachable review questions, application exercises, and realistic clinical scenarios to clarify essential textbook concepts and cultivate students’ critical thinking and clinical judgment capabilities.

  • Brunner & Suddarth`s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 15/e

    Dr. Janice L Hinkle PhD RN CNRN

    210,000 189,000won

  • Workbook for Timby`s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 13/e

    Habiba Harris

    54,000 48,000won

    Reflecting the latest updates to the text, this edition of the Workbook for Timby’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice familiarizes students with today’s medical-surgical nursing practice and equips them with the retention and practice for success. Each chapter is divided into three sections: “Accessing Your Understanding” helps students retain key concepts, vocabulary, and basic principles with exercises such as Fill in the Blanks, Labeling, Matching, Sequencing, and Short Answers; “Applying Your Knowledge” challenges students to apply textbook information through short answer questions, critical thinking exercises, and case study activities; and “Getting Ready for the NCLEX®” strengthens student exam confidence with NCLEX-PN practice questions.

  • Community and Public Health Nursing, 10/e

    Cherie Rector

    143,000 110,000won

    Approachable and tailored to today’s active learners, Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 10th Edition presents an engaging introduction to population-focused care, helping students broaden their viewpoints from the client–nurse relationship to a community healthcare focus. This highly visual, student-friendly text incorporates bulleted lists, infographics, and a plethora of meaningful real-life examples and case studies to facilitate a foundational understanding of public health principles and evidence-based practice. The 10th edition continues to highlight the relevance of population-focused tools and interventions to acute care as well as community and public health settings, and to equip students with the skills and understanding to confidently promote health, foster disease prevention, and protect at-risk populations.

  • Nurses` Handbook of Health Assessment, 10/e

    Janet R Weber

    72,000 64,000won

    Renowned for its holistic perspective and “see and do” approach, Nurses’ Handbook of Health Assessment, 10th Edition delivers streamlined, step-by-step guidance at every phase of nursing assessment to help students ensure accurate and effective assessments across all patient populations. This full-color handbook — updated to reflect the latest clinical insights in Health Assessment for Nursing, 7th Edition — details everything students need to interview clients and conduct thorough physical assessments with ease, including up-to-date assessment guidelines, full-color anatomy and physiology illustrations, images of normal and abnormal findings, and more — all in a convenient format ideal for today’s on-the-go learning.

  • Health Assessment in Nursing, 7/e

    Janet R Weber

    156,000 140,000won

    Clearly written, colorfully designed, and updated with the most current, evidence-based nursing considerations, Health Assessment in Nursing, 7th Edition helps students develop the comprehensive knowledge base and expert nursing assessment skills to confidently perform accurate, timely health assessments in a variety of healthcare settings. This popular, student-friendly text is known for its innovative 2- and 3-column design and intuitive organization, presenting in-depth assessment information alongside dynamic visuals to make concepts easy to understand. Powerful learning tools in the text and available online further hone students’ data collection capabilities and cultivate the critical thinking skills students need to analyze data and detect client problems.

  • Bates` Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3/e

    Beth Hogan-Quigley MSN RN CRNP

    156,000 140,000won

  • Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 10/e

    Geri LoBiondo-Wood PhD RN FAAN

    119,000 108,000won

    Find out why this book is a student favorite! Providing a solid foundation in nursing research and evidence-based practice, Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 10th Edition offers balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand approach. This edition features new content on trending topics, including the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN), as well as improved usability, user-friendly learning aids, and full-text research articles to help you better understand how to apply research to everyday clinical practice.

  • Skills Performance Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10/e

    Anne Griffin Perry RN MSN EdD FAAN

    47,000 43,000won

    Track your performance of clinical nursing skills with convenient checklists! Skills Performance Checklists makes it easy to document and assess your proficiency in all of the more than 200 skills and procedures presented in Perry & Potter’s Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition text. Follow these checklists step by step, and mark the completion of each step. Perforated pages make it easy to submit your work to instructors for evaluation. It’s an excellent tool for building and assessing essential nursing skills!

  • Brown and Mulholland’s Drug Calculations, 12/e

    Ann Tritak-Elmiger EdD RN

    119,000 108,000won

    Trust this market-leading ratio and proportion text that’s known for its realistic practice problems and unique "proof" step in the answer key that allows you to double-check your answers to avoid medication errors. This edition continues to promote critical thinking, clinical judgment, and patient safety with respect to accurate drug dosages. Helpful worksheets, assessment tests, and Clinical Alerts call attention to situations in actual practice that have resulted in drug errors ― giving you extensive hands-on practice for the Next Generation NCLEX® and beyond.

  • Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 12th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 NANDA-I® Updates, 12/e

    Betty J. Ackley MSN EdS RN

    84,000 76,000won

    Get nursing care plans right! Ackley’s Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 12th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 NANDA-I© Updates helps you select appropriate nursing diagnoses and write care plans with ease and confidence. This convenient handbook shows how to correlate nursing diagnoses with known information about clients on the basis of assessment findings, established medical or psychiatric diagnoses, and the current treatment plan. Revised and updated with 2021-2023 NANDA-I© approved nursing diagnoses, the book integrates NIC and NOC taxonomies, evidence-based nursing interventions, and adult, pediatric, geriatric, multicultural, home care, safety, and client/family teaching and discharge planning considerations to help you create unique, individualized care plans.